following is based on a made with default settings openSUSE-10.3 installation to be achieved:
- share a physical folder / public as \\ \\ servername \\ public the network
- release will be Windows 9x-like behavior, that is, full access to everyone without any user names and passwords
All of the following steps as root run.
Step 1: Samba Server To install if not already
Per command
smbd will consider whether the Samba server is already installed. If this is the case, the output of the command
/ usr / sbin / smbd
Does the command does not output, Samba must still by
-> YaST -> Software -> Software install or delete
be installed.
Step 2: Startup scripts of Samba to enable
It makes sense, samba at system startup via (supplied) init scripts / etc / init.d / smb and / etc / init.d / nmb to be run automatically, so you do via chkconfig command: chkconfig smb on chkconfig
nmb on
Step 3: Create the directory / public
Here's how:
mkdir / public
chmod 777 / public
Step 4: Adjust Samba configuration file
In the [global] / etc / samba / smb.conf is an entry
security = share and add the variable
workgroup =
adapted to ensure that the Linux server behind is in a possibly already existing working group.
is for the actual release at the end of the / etc samba / smb.conf add an additional section:
[public] path =
/ public
& # 160; quest ok = yes browseable = yes
read only = no
Step 5: first-time Samba startup
either by rebooting the Linux server or For construction hearing from
restart restart rcnmb
Step 6: Test of the shares of a Windows PC
Per -> Start -> Run -> \\ \\ servername \\ public [ENTER]
should come to the share.