breaking through the power of shame
"breaking through the power of shame" KRYON
KRYON by David Brown, 03.03.2009,
in Marina da Gama, Cape Town
translation: Shana,
Greetings, my friends, I AM Kryon of magnetic service.
It's wonderful here with you all that night in Marina da Gama, as there is much love in the air and many changes. This world is on the Way, a very different place to be. There is a passage in your Bible, your Bible that says, "the meek shall inherit the earth" and that means that all of you, which you have your difficult childhood, fought your way through life, that you fulfill your childhood and your life have processed all of you come with a special energy, a healing energy with which their leader will soon be on this planet.
There are new waves of energy that come to this earth, and there is a global Einschmelzungsereignis, as we call it, and this meltdown will not stop, there will be no end to this meltdown. The people in the world are sobering, dissatisfied, unhappy and depressed, is deceptive, that money is the answer to all their problems. The spirit world is not happy with this situation. It is the desire of the spirit, that love fulfills the planet Earth, a planet that holds the space for love, joy and freedom, a planet on the same old people and grow. That was always the plan, always, but there was some energy, which acts in its own way.
It now 2,000 years ago, has since brought the Christ consciousness on this planet, and this Christ Consciousness, the cells and the DNA is not the people of this Earth plane so permeated as it should be. There are certain Energy, manipulate and control this situation, but the energies are resolved slowly but surely. The Power, a subsidiary of holding together an economy where there are a few beneficiaries, and the masses have been disenfranchised, where awareness is kept away from the masses, is for the spirit world totally unacceptable and conjure away not easy, that's what happened is.
That is what happened, especially since the dawn of time, especially in these last 2,000 years on planet Earth, and is still happening. Technology is not conscious. Technology will lead you away from your consciousness. Consciousness is love, technology does not allow you to love yourself, Technology is not nearly love, technology is here to support you in your day with your daily tasks, she is not here to get yourself out of you, technology is here to support you, to give you additional See, to give you more freedom, but this planet is set up in such a way that you will be taxed to the absolute maximum financially. There is little opportunity to find true freedom, very few people on planet Earth to find true freedom, and this is not the way of the spirit. Spirit desires that every person is included Divine, to be filled with Divine love and to know they are loved. Living in factories is not a divine love. Divine love are relationships, meet people, the self and it feels good for one's self. Such things are
not as original sin, which is a deeply humiliating and alienating communication, which is given to the people on this planet. Maybe it hurt, it hurt even sure, but the wound is not a sin. All the difficult behaviors that all bad behavior, if we are to judge behavior as good and bad comes out of the wound. A conscious person who healed their wounds, and learned exactly where the wounds came from. There are only two points, of whom the wounds can. The first is the relationship between you as a child and your mother and your father, and the second point at which injury occurs is, you as a child of the relationship between your mother and your father as a husband and wife. Those are the only two points are where you really could you wounded. There is no need to look for your wounds somewhere else, because they come from this or that source alone.
your journey through life to heal those wounds, and if you look at the English language, you will realize that the founders understood the English language in this whole journey. They were wise people, they were powerful people, but they have brought a language that the Journey to wholeness understand the journey of love, for love and unity are one and the same, a person is complete, deeply loving. A person who loves deeply, is to be complete, these energies to flow and flow of love is on the journey into.
your loved ones, as Kryon of magnetic service I want to bring a little understanding for this planet while deeper and deeper into the changes of energy goes. This planet is on its axis to go further and to bring you into divine alignment with your magnetism, your energy and this shift, which is somewhat rough and are a bit more than it been in the past, and after all this time, have in their work to you, you should be able to handle this. We are here to change the magnetism of this planet completely and establish a whole new world to you, as you were promised. As predicted, the Maya and in channeling these have always promised and declared, you will do your reality that you choose to create in one day. There are many of you who are very close to that point, and there are billions of people on this planet, the completely clueless, and absolutely nowhere are going. Those who go absolutely nowhere to be ignorant and be woken up in a new world.
The spirit is in the process to give a much closer approximation to life on this planet, and for those people who are in power and work against the spirit, the power of finance to keep the planet earth will only find themselves disenfranchised when they find a way to work with the mind. We have long said in this channeling, that the politicians of the world get rid of their power if they are not acting in kindness, integrity and love. If they base their self-interest in politics, they will go the way of George Bush, they will leave their office in disgrace, and they will not easily return to the policy are welcomed.
There is a whole new world in the distance. A world that is fantastic, than you can imagine at all. With every birth there is pain and even if something dies, it is a painful process. So let the elimination of the old systems of the planet and brings in new systems, new structures, manifest new ways, new ways of authority and new ways of discipline. If the population lives in love, there is something for everyone to discipline, supported each other and it creates a fantastic future, a fantastic world and lots of love. One can even create joy, freedom and ecstasy for the handful that are in power, they have no joy, freedom and ecstasy, they are so preoccupied with control and manipulation that they do not have time to find love, joy and ecstasy. Those of you with NO have more love, joy, freedom and ecstasy as those from the highest echelons of power, control and manipulate to find their own end. Whether you are a humble beggar, or the highest-President, have you thoughts and emotions, and if these thoughts and emotions are negative, they create a negative reality for your self and that nation, which it leads.
there is a new world around the corner, a new world that beckons, and here in the spirit world, we have learned more and more and more about the human condition since we arrived here. There has always been mind here, but we bring much more mental energy on this earth to get more change on this earth to ensure that the Christ consciousness pervades all 6 billion people on this planet. For this purpose it will be a short period of time, and this time will be 6 to 10 years.
There is new energy that would have on this planet 2,000 years ago as a Christ-consciousness have come. It did not. It arrived, but never penetrated the cells and the DNA of the population of planet Earth. The spirit world is not in the mood to continue this. The planet Earth and its vibrations reverberate everywhere contradicted by the universe, which affects all other life forms in this universe. The whole universe is Life, the universe is an intelligence that there are subtle vibrations and energies, just as you are. There are many, many different life forms and many different ways and states of being, there are many different levels and layers of consciousness to be penetrated, but a new world is on its way. The planet Earth in the universe caused problems by not developed in the way as it should. Technology is not a development of the human mind, consciousness is a development of the human mind, but the consciousness on this planet ~ believe it or not ~ is really like. It has lost over the past 2,000 years, its vibration. It does not have its vibration increased, as it should be.
is no technology development, LOVE IS DEVELOPING. to develop oneself is literally love. Developed to you about love, not about to use a computer, it does not go beyond the use of a washing machine and not on television. Evolution is the way in which you create your reality. Are going to develop to the highest about learning to love oneself in order to bring this love in your world, bring them with love others is becoming love, and you are loved completely dear, for no particular reason. The love around you, love is with you, you love is always there. It is like a sponge dipped in water , but the sponge, the water does not, defends itself against the water. Water is the analogy for love, and the sponge you were, and the natural state for the sponge to be soaked with water. The natural state of being for the people to be imbued with love, consciousness to accept. But you are fighting the love never come to love permitting. Let her not come to love. Their use as much energy to create new technology if you would love her, and you were the sponge and aufsaugtet the Divine Love, you would so many gifts. Manifestations would be so easy, so easy. Interplanetary travel would for example, no problem, and we can have no unconscious being, moving through the universe. We need awareness in the universe, we need love.
Today we are talking long term, we speak directly with the healers, to those who have come to this earth with gifts to raise awareness, and now your turn comes for many gifts that come to you, gifts of consciousness, the you would never expect. The first gift you have given yourselves to see if your intent is pure, that it heals you, that you go out from the traps that keep her in you. To get you taken care of, and in this channelings we told you that again and again and again said. We will love you and we will give you, ask what, but while your energy to go, what does not serve you, we can not help you. If you're like a sponge still in its packaging, be its plastic packaging, and these dives into water, just a few bubbles floating on the water. We want to present your plastic packaging takes off, and we want you to become like a sponge. Soaks you with love, you have to be vulnerable, you have to let go of what you have always known. Increases in the unknown, and yes, we understand that it is not known. The gifts that come to this planet are beyond your wildest dreams. You will not see them until they really bite you in the nose.
We have always said that channeling that you are totally magical beings of this universe. You all provide the capacity for interplanetary travel, to dialogue with each other on each side of the world, you can Levitation make and transport you to wherever you want, and the world that you want, but will you have to ensure safe and relaxed, for it is the tension that keeps you in the dark. The darkness keeps you on the who you really are, and therefore, that you soaked the dark spots in your life with light, love and prana. We will suggest that you watch the way how you breathe, that breathe you practice and see that you breathe deeply into your body and brings new light, and new energy on a daily basis in your body. That you eat food that has Prana or life force in itself, such as vegetables, uncooked, raw, salads, just as you ask that you limit how much meat you consume. The fear that killing animals is created by your set, the vibration of the planet down.
Take heed that you practice every day, mentally, and that you meet more and more with the divine. Is in your bed and calls for the divine, and become like a blanket and sucks the Divine love. Just ask and you feel like you allow this love your body to penetrate. Observed how much alcohol you drink, because alcohol is poison. It is not good for you in its purest form. It is so that you your body in any way while you can in it, cleans, and while it cleanses the body, the emotions are released, these are perhaps the emotions that will cause that you want to stop, your body clean, and in the knowledge that you recognize that those emotions wants you to stop, to cleanse your body, it should give you the urge to the energy and inner strength through it to go and your body to cleanse your essence.
cleans the parasites from your body by her example cloves have if you have parasites inside then you will parasites in the outside, and take black walnut. You will have people that act parasitically on you if you parasites in your bowels, or wherever, have to show you this, that there are parasites in your life, and that you open your eyes and it hinseht, "who takes "what is to me, where does my energy? because you have so much energy every day as you wish, but you feel tired and lethargic, they go somewhere. Where do they go? You should feel alive and well, full of love. That love belongs to you. Every day, every minute and every hour it also divine love, which will surrounds, as well as her Had it been immersed in water, and you know that you will be immersed in divine love. Allow this love to flow through your body, your aches and pains, to allow the release, allowing the ebb and flow of love. Let it come and let it go. Let her not come and stick to it, can not get more love, but you let them come and go, the more love will come and go. You see no river, it flows in one minute and the next minute it ceases to flow, because the next fear to go where it is, the river flows but just flows and flows. Allow yourself to flow like a river. Observe your life. Let the spirit flow through your life, let the Spirit bring the fullness of love to you ~ you by her relaxed, breathes, loves you, cares and shares.
There is nothing more important for a man than love, it's the source, the Alpha and the Omega of your life. How you treated others expect to be treated, and know that if you treat someone badly, there is a part of you that has been treated badly, this needs to be healed, he must be loved, it must be him be looked after. Know that whatever is inside, it causes the outside.
So we ask you therefore to close your eyes and to go inside, and we ask you to watch "what I create outside in my life I do not enjoy what my Bott brings not really for swimming, is that really me?" What is it that I can do? Connects easily to you now with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Let the energy of Mother Earth at your feet, to flow through your ankle in your calves, your legs and your hips, let it through your torso to your heart in your throat and your head to flow in and out like a fountain, which all over you ... pours, let the energy of the father-sky through your crown chakra flowing through your body writhing and mix with the feminine energy of Mother Earth. Let it now through your third eye, flood down in your throat and into your heart, which knows the path. Relaxes you breathe more, continues to breathe, relax, relax easily. Go deeper and deeper and deeper ..., goes deeper and deeper and deeper ..., goes deeper and deeper and deeper ....
you find yourself at the top of a spiral staircase and see you next KRYON want, let KRYON you this spiral staircase leading down that goes deeper and deeper and deeper into a space that you have not seen for a long, long time. There is something in your life that you create and you do not like, and it is always not to ~ 99% the time, but a 100% aspect of the wounded inner child. At the bottom of these steps you will find some aspect of your inner child, and it will match what you created in your external world. Keep your steps in and does just this spiral staircase deeper and deeper and deeper down into the darkness, deeper and deeper and deeper, and whatever is your feeling, leave those feelings come and go, let the feelings ... and one of the most profound, and we use that word with care and dignity, is the disempowering energy we find on planet Earth, the energy of the shame and emasculation. Both men and women have masculine energy. You need the power to bring you here to move through life on earth, to give you the gifts, the joy and freedom, your needs the female, to express your feminine joy.
So we ask you about finding your shame to go through the shame, which has fixed the wounded aspect of your inner child in a place of transition stage, in a place where there can be anger and resentment, sadness, together deep melancholy, or the child could be in deep anxiety. Some of these energies which radiate your psyche expresses itself in the world, causing your reality, but the shame, the need to pass it to come to this child, disgusting. It is a bad, disgusting, squishy, black, thick and terrible power, by running it under normal circumstances, would millions of miles. But my friends, tonight we will keep you in a space of love, we will keep you in a room in which you can be relaxed, where you can move through your shame, shame to have her go through this shame you can. You know that there can be no shame, even if you have shame. Everyone on this planet will be tarred with the same brush, excuse the pun, shame-broom. Allow yourself to feel your shame to own your shame, with your shame of being ~ not a very nice energy. For those who you sinners are you name it, they shame. Since the very last day, you are the children who are on this planet, you were immediately informed of this sin, from now on you not heard this sin. This mass awareness of shameful sin to be resolved and you are the first in the Kryon family to go through this energy to clean and you get rid of this energy. The energy has been found, but it is like no other power, it is nothing ... if you can be with your shame, if you feel your shame can, and have your shame if you can, you can let them go.
will lower your shame her the champagne bubbles find your life as you find the love, joy, freedom and the ecstasy, you will Christ consciousness, a naturally conditioned human life in human dignity. We ask your shame not to be returned to those who have shamed you, it's all what it means for a small child who was ashamed, while the mother of the child, arguing or screaming in a very small or even unborn child are. That's what it takes to cause shame to another person. The younger a child is, the easier it is to impress the child because the parents are for this child of the gods of the child.
Allowed you therefore, to remind you of a time than you fühltet ashamed, or embarrassed as you have someone else, it's all the same. Allows you deeper and deeper and deeper into this dark, sticky mess to fall ~ called shame. Allow yourself the feelings, let them come and go, let the emotions. Beloved, we'll keep you here in a cocoon of love that night. We have angels out from all sides of the galaxy and the galaxies about the psyche of the professional people that surround you, with you, and heal those nasty energy. Once you have no shame, you can be free.
your shame will release all the other emotions. Share your shame, as the Key in the lock to use your emotional prison cell. Puts the key into the lock ~ where is this key? He must be somewhere in you, that is the law. You get everything, every single thing requires her to be free. You have every gift that you can be free. When you come to this earth, you come with your karma, and it comes with all the tools in your tool kit to you to free self. Look around and find why this little child, hidden in the prison cell at the bottom of the spiral staircase, depressed and oppressed, denied, because you do not shame your face fighter. Maybe you've never even thought of, your face to face with shame, and all you have to do is, the feeling of your shame, let it come and go, let it. That evening, the absolute night, there are more mysterious support than it ever was in another Kryon channeling. Break up the power of shame. Shame is not really different than the other energies, it is a mixture of all of you. It is a devaluation of you, it's fas invisible, but once you begin to look at it, you see it. Like any other power, as soon as you receive this, look you can so that his and you can let them go. This is my
love love, this is an act of self-love here this evening, the absolute night of love in to bring your shame that you remember those things that you remember never ever wanted those things in the darkest corner of your psyche at the bottom of the barrel sitting where you were able to avoid at all costs. Beloved, we invite you to share your shame, to let them go, to allow the flow of love and life flow through your heart in those areas of your body that you refused to shame. The aging of shame, share your shame is anti-aging. Shame sucks your energy, your energy diluted, take your life force. Eventually, the shame can be as thick and black tar. You must be warmed up warmed up, so it can flow, flow out of your bodies. Warm up your good work, love is the shame and allowed to flow to shame, to liberate and leave. It may be possible that you bear the shame of your mother or your father, also let go. Give this shame about the spirit, will who you are, with all the gifts on this planet who has come Heals, with such a powerful energy. It is the shame for which you decide in the spiritual world had, wanted to use it to suppress your energy to your lessons to learn here on this earth. It is your shame. Allows your shame to dissolve and let it go, dear ones, here in your energy on planet earth.
your loved ones this evening, this Night we work through, and the next day and the day after, until the liberation is complete from your shame for a world of love, joy, champagne bubbles and freedom.
If healthy and God's blessing and It's all good, thank you for this
this is Kryon signing.
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