Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chicken Curry, Calories

Thunderbird - with Stationary for consistent font in HTML e-mails provide

At about HTML vs.. Plain text e-mails a divorce you know, the ghosts, I want the pros and cons of both options by now chew a long time. I prefer plain text, whenever possible, sometimes HTML e-mails but are essential or of concrete benefit:

  • my employer wants to do with e-mails that go to the customer
  • illustrated instructions by e-mail will stop only with HTML

Now to the actual topic: my favorite e-mail program Thunderbird behaves quite stupid when it comes to fonts in HTML e-mails. The font I want to use Arial and have it set accordingly in the options:


If I eintippe when composing a message, something that the text appears in Arial, but when I insert a bulleted or numbered list changes font:



The same problem also when inserting screenshots the clipboard to the screen shot changes the font:


As you can see in the Mozilla bug tracker , the error has been known since 2004 and not until now been fixed. Note the helpful for me I found in No. 145 comment on the bug, I've installed the addon Stationary me an HTML file the following content ...

\u0026lt;div bgcolor = "# ffffff" text = "# 333333"
style = "font-family: Arial font-size: 10pt">
\u0026lt;span id="_AthCaret"> \u0026lt;-! initial placement cursor -> cursor \u0026lt;/ span>
\u0026lt;/ div>

... creates and stores these in the Stationary-options as a template:


From now on the font messed up any more if one inserts bullets or screenshots in emails.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting A Brazilian Wax Drunk?

Java Magazin - Federated agents - Google Wave (Part 2)

Federated agent - server-side extensions Google Wave
Oliver Ochs and Jochen Joerg, JavaMagazin issue 7.2010

In the first part of this article series, we have the basic concepts of Google introduced Wave and Wave looked in detail from a product perspective. In addition, we have set up their own Wave Federation Server. In this second article we will examine the functioning and the Wave protocol in detail. It also shows an example of how Wave can be extended with the Robot API.

This is a cross-post of the Holisticon blogs.