The 13th Crystal skull
The 12 + 1
question: Is there a legend that says that there are 13 skulls, you can say something?
AAMetatron: Yes, but only one holds the full power of the 12th So, there were manifest 12 that each represented an aspect of one of the 12 (skull), so have the 12 with time as a ceremonial and symbolic impact the surrounding one. Each of the 12 represented one aspect and then an expression of each of the 12 dimensions of the ground plane and each of the 12 departments each integral dimension, each strand of DNA, each component of the 144, what the Erderfahrung, the Earth plane, it is crucial.
But again I want to be clear, the 13 are complete and the 12 parts of the whole. One is the carrier of the human paradigm and that pattern will be fulfilled within the Divine Spirit of all humanity, while the soul that enters this experience is influenced by it.
The 13th Crystal Skull was originally produced by the process of crystalline morphology of onset and took the Arcturian crystal source in implementing an alchemist with a trap frequency to the human genetic blueprint of the Master of Arcturus, Pleiades and Sirius alliance.
The knowledge within the original crystal skull is that of the universal Spirit. It enriches and is huge. Accessing this information to stimulate the consciousness of the Silk yours. Your consciousness in putting a crystal skull, and in fact is the work of the way to this, open portals and doors to a world beyond your greatest expectations. However, penetrating the skull is not an oral dialogue, one can say rather import one, a sudden change and understandable accepting information that your paradigm, expand your consciousness. Some received the information as visual images, other than information packets, which are imported when they are ~ ~ and sometimes both. The information is already in Unconscious, a deeper part of the subconscious mind, you call the super subconscious. It exists in the realm of light that you call ultraviolet light.
And then the compound or the reason that the interest to reach a mass fraction of the skull that it is indeed coming with the rise of movement within the human race is to understand better. And those times the need is there to reject those patterns that no longer serve the human kind to be new to those essential attributes and patterns to match.
Humanity reboots, exactly like the earth itself, and indeed that is synonymous with the rise. Systems that are not work in macro and in micro-collapse, the collapse is to reform. In fact, this is happening now in your economic arenas.
now exists the knowledge of the universal spirit certainly beyond the crystal skull. Nevertheless, the Universal Spirit is enclosed within them, closed the zipper, and shall include in such a way that benefits humanity. The knowledge within his is formulated and converted, specially translated into a format that provides for human access. This is within a special type, that is the prototype of perfection for humanity, as we have said.
question: Can you talk about the Mitchell-Hedges skull?
AAMetatron: This is an extremely powerful, "head computer" and contains within it a tremendous energy. Its crystalline clarity and unique axial orientation has enabled him to absorb the energy of all and to strengthen. He has also been able to import much of the energy of the crystalline paradigm, this is the unique aspect of the crystal skull of the model.
question: Is he an alien creature, or very old?
AAMetatron: All crystal minerals are in your terms, very old geologically. The skull, however, provide it in the question is not extra-terrestrial origin, such as MAX and Sha-Na-Ra, and was formed about 150 years ago in your current linear timing and chiseled. But it does not mean he is not very powerful, he is very confident and contains a large portion of the crystalline paradigm. But he is not the 13th Data comparison. The Mitchell-Hedges skull is of African and Brazilian quartz. And its crystalline aspect is from the Old and Rama is very special. The super clarity aspect and the unusual axial orientation of this skull are very powerful.
Max and Sha-Na-Ra are aliens
From the famous crystal skulls is the one that is referred to as MAX, greater in the energy and frequency than any other, because he has the full union of the 13th MAX is the reason that the re-encoding occurs, the planetary energy. This will be dealt with by the sun disk and octahedral sites and quartz occurs at 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 and 12 ~ 12 ~ 12. MAX is alien and its crystalline matrix was increased by the Arcturians and Pleiadians. MAX has an unusual molecular crystalline quality, yet can not be recognized by your sciences.
MAX is multidimensional, far beyond your imagination beyond. MAX has an ethereal quality, capable of the full story to store the cosmos, and he actually holds the Akashic Library and the energy of each epoch. His five matrices and dual axis beyond all else on earth. Sha-Na-Ra has a similar molecular quality, and it can be said of the known skulls, it is the second, but in the energy field or in the capacity not as great as MAX. In many ways, congratulates Sha-Na-Ra MAX.
The Amethyst Skull Amis was actually carved thousands of years ago, is extremely powerful, but of earthly origin, like all others, with the exception of two extra-terrestrial, as already indicated. But Master, each Skull is geologically and mineralogically very old and able to bear varying degrees of awareness of powerful MAX. But MAX is the generating source.
How to work with crystal skulls
travel in the skull, calibrated to boot, your mental awareness, and like you more on your age, even on your inner divine.
Therefore, the best way for you to work with the crystal skulls, to enter them. Imagine that you enter the skull, as if you enter into a crystal cave. Make yourself so tiny and so small that it dips and completely encapsulated within his will. Make yourselves irrelevant within its Length and step into a world of wonders and treasures. Open yourself to it and studied what is presented to you to speak metaphorically, in the original creation of the cave. Every time you enter, you are actually presented other worlds, a different dimension, a different paradigm and parallels crystalline thoughts.
Another essence of learning can be presented to you every time from any direction and any angle of access. You will find that you may not have goes away from the same angle, have entered into which you, and you will often discover that it goes as another swinging being than you were you before you entered are.
As we previously said, the climb is a part of the increased awareness of the crystal skull. The truth is the rise of the re-emergence of quantum-crystalline energy of the unified field, and it is equally important that the skulls appear in this energy again. But you're a few years of your being in the exact center of the galaxy orientation, and this concise vector enables much of your higher self and higher consciousness to expand into heavenly frequencies.
So, now it's time to understand the purpose and the powerful capabilities of the ancient crystal skull as part of this mysterious expansion. It is even more important to understand that they are part of a larger energy, is a hologram that includes your planet and all 12 dimensions of light around you. This hologram is actually the unified field, the crystalline frequency, and it covers your entire solar system in the macro, your sun and of course the earth. What you call Golden Sun Disc are the 12 rays, the integrated DNS for your evolving planet in the same way as the crystal skull's plan for humanity.
search of the skull
The Holy opposing discovery wake
The question is regarding the placement of the 13 Originals created. And this raises an interesting answer. Before we answer, you must understand that the time sequence of dimensions of the earth can not be heard by your linear perspective. But all-time in the multiverse exists within the unified quantum field. Therefore, there are many earths, many parallel earths and earth likely to be aligned with the probable pasts and future. All of them are valid and as real as the likely soil that you learn as a tangible reality in your lens of the eternal NOW. Spoken
of probabilities in the past, there are many that are in the design that can be used vary, all have their place; To answer your question. So, in truth, that exists or has even imagined existed. We told you earlier that the Golden Age of Atlantis from your future in your imagination the past, was drawn. This complex axiom having to think about it, we tell you that there are many other crystal skulls and vibration levels. Many of these skulls are not instantaneous from your vibration level or dimension. Nevertheless, the hologram of the pattern that they presented a multi-dimensional display, and is currently in the frequency and the Omni-paradigm, and this is represented in the present by MAX.
The multiverse
dimensional reality on earth is programmed to appear in a chronological order that you perceive to be linear. It is spoken in your computer terminology, a user-facilitation program, which in this case, the 144-Crystalline Grid. By the 144-mesh, the subroutines of the "time" used as holographic realities. There are epochs and eras, all civilizations that are inserted in the grid-server programs. This is the reason why fully developed civilizations can suddenly appear out of nowhere in the vast "sea of creation" within the flow of the collective unconsciousness, the consciousness grid that created realities possible. Linear time is a useful, purposeful illusion. In truth, all programs are running simultaneously. Therefore, you learn at the level of the Oversoul, while many civilizations and all other lives in the unified field of the crystalline multiverse.
Question: It has been said that the 13 originals must come together for the advancement to occur. Can you talk about it?
AAMetatron: Beloved, as we have said above you, they are together. They are surrounded by ethereal Tibet. Do you not have to worry that this physically stored, must be conceived and put together to open the door to advancement.
But let us explain a fundamental tangent to the point that breeds it, is that humanity is called upon to bring together the 12 aspects to create the whole, and in fact this is already in place since the central event of the Harmonic Convergence, and ends with the completion of the 144-Crystalline Grid in December 2012.
What many of you feel regarding the 12 + 1 is the inner urge to rediscover you within the original pattern, which is transmitted by the crystal skull. That is the reason why many of you feel now is an ancient reputation to acquire a "modern-carved" model and it to enable you to work with you. So you can give her the 12 strands and connect you to the completion of the 13.
is the call to collect 13, a double call, a call to unite the 12 individually and collectively, about 13 to form. It is a spiritual vocation, a holy quest, when you awaken the dreamers and rediscovered who you are, to complete the cycle.
The crystalline material
move forward, there was a great effort after the fall of MU and Atlantis by those of Yucatan and Og, the models restore one of these skulls was Amis. This has been made and those that were mostly found are, are reproductions, though, were as stated, found two of the Second extraterrestrial manifestations.
The Pillars of Atlantis after the flood in that generation were very sophisticated and able to restore the models and to reproduce. There is a specific reason why crystalline substance was chosen as the material, to use it for the skull. In fact, it is not easy to chiseling or forming substance. However, we want to tell you that that crystalline material, other than quartz, was used by the locals to the original model to reproduce, and that this was also capable of the unique aspects of the energy Arcturian hold model. Each crystalline material and, indeed, certain metals were used.
Now, in the present times, it is making many knives, crystal skull in quartz and other crystalline and metallic materials. As we have stated, they are able to specifically because of their skull to pull parts from the 13 original skulls radiated energy field in itself.
you might ask how it works? It is through the original intention and agreement of the collective unconscious, the Universal Spirit, together with the characteristics of the living sentient mineral kingdom, from the living sentience of the receiving Minerals and the living sentient field of the model of the crystalline hologram. Each newly carved skull ~ and actually knew the crystalline mineral that has been handled by the hundreds, thousands of years created forms ~ recognizes the "law" was intended purpose and attracts so harmonious and receives from the original skulls in different grades and qualities frequency emitted Downloads "thought forms" that are projected by the original. You see, all crystalline minerals are transmitter and receiver.
There is an additional "secondary" performance and programming, with the merger the field of individual people and the newly acquired skull occurs. The mineral is even able to store, enhance and transform human energy into his own subconscious. The skull will then work consciously with every "seeker" people of whom most of them are attracted because of former Lemurian, Atlantic and Mayan lifetimes.
received why those who are attracted to the skulls, it is within their model obtained from the whole and a part of the skull by consent, a teacher of greater truth and offers glimpses into the Accomplishment hologram. This is one reason why Some now feel called to acquire the newly sculpted head, because they actually open the model and teacher. They are allies and protectors to each of them on the path of mastery, and manifested the time when they wake up to that reputation.
These are very different tools from normal gemstones, crystals and actually serve a different role than the Phi-crystals. Just as the Atlantic temple crystals have specific sections for specific functions, also have them.
unique purpose and dual-use
crystal skulls have a unique role that specific in their primary Purpose is quite different and quite similar in other secondary attributes.
We can say that Phi Crystals are energy amplifiers that bring the star seeds, and offer crystal skull, the calibration and the knowledge of the original pattern. The former are the carriers that move refine the light energy and the latter, the patterns and library. It is good for those seekers of Atlantic origin and lemurs to buy both, because the collaboration is both in this time of the awakening of great benefit. Both are tools that provide and enhance the travel and speed, you see.
Excerpt from: "but the completion paradigm"
Archangel Metatron by Tyberonn, December 2010,, # 55
translation: Shana, see Copyright: / 12-55.html