Arcturians corridor - Portal opening
Arcturians corridor - Portal Opening - Text - Excerpt t-2.html
With the energy of our expectation, we are now in the 5D reality of Zantarius. We take our many light objects such as sparks of light in an ocean of light. Each bright core is individualized experience and memory, but in constant contact with all the experiences and memories of the entire ocean.
While we create are moving through the unconditional love and unity of consciousness we Zantarius images that match our expectations. These images are shared with the entire reality. Since we all have multi-dimensional knowledge, emotions and perceptions, we can easily picture in the completeness of our unit experience . Draw We recognize that our new difficulties may have with this experience, we share a common vision to support this new expression of ourselves with the experience of Oneness.
We feel our new own struggle to cover our response, and we will send a wave of unconditional love by our group. Time and again passes through the wave forms of unconditional love our light, our response in the 6th Dimensional stretching. Within the 6 Dimension we take lightly the true matrix of our reality, while aware of our earth grounded vessels, the matrix of a hologram.
We immediately flow through the Stream of this seven-dimensional matrix and in our About Selle. We support our new, as we all communicate with our larger galactic family of light. We share our simultaneous experience of reunification, while we allow our new, easy to carry out their experience, so we feel their "overload" of stimuli. Therefore, we are now focusing on the individualization of you and my you know that you trugt before you besuchtet our world. We support you as you communicate with your family and Galactic Light Beings from other planets, galaxies and dimensions. We encourage you to recognize and perhaps use your 3D-language to write about the Galactic members of your Oversoul, which resonates with her ....
We want to remind you of your Oversoul. Over-Soul is the seven-dimensional expression of your Multidimensional SELF, as well as the extended family of your soul individualized soul. This family includes many different species, planets, galaxies and dimensions. This family includes many different species, planets, galaxies and dimensions. In other words, represents your soul on the bigger her before her senktet your feedback from the cosmic consciousness of your soul into your About seven-dimensional six-dimensional galactic consciousness, in your five-dimensional planetary consciousness that in your four-dimensional collective consciousness, and finally individual in your three dimensional awareness.
think beyond the Oversoul you no longer form, as are her pure consciousness. We see that we have claimed your earthbound enough brains with information, we will end our trip. We will return to Zantarius. While it imports more of your multidimensional operating system in your biological computer-brain and integrates, you will more easily share your habits three-dimensional thinking, and easily one of time, space and individuality can take free reality. Your can also return to Zantarius in your dreams and meditations.
Five-dimensional EARTH
Before we end our multi-dimensional journey, we will use your extensive awareness to make a short trip to the five-dimensional world. There are two versions, we will visit. One version is the threshold of five-dimensional world in which humanity now moves into the experience of unconditional love and complete unity. We will also visit the average five-dimensional world. To initiate our journey, we ask you that you bring your intent in the same state of expectation as you are in your journey to Zantarius machtet. Then, when you expect it, you will find yourself on the threshold of five-dimensional world that you are SILK!
First, you may perhaps be a little confused by the immediate transport to a different location. So Take some time to acclimate to you in your new environment. With your third eye blinks a few times to solve your higher gaze and open your heart Strong to answer this experience. As this reality with the frequency of the threshold of the 5th Dimension resonates, it differs from Zantarius. For example, holding all the forms related to your earth vessel, but these forms sparkle with the light and vibrate with every thought and emotion.
Some people seem to be confused, as if they do not know where they are or how they hergelangten here. On the other hand, some people seem to feel in this reality very well, as it has many times in her dreams and ideas here time spent. The threshold of the new soil contains up many of the illusions of the third / fourth dimension, in order to support the newcomers, they gradually assume their new environment. Therefore, the members of this world are more dependent on technology, although it is quite beyond the physical level. For example, there still cars, but there are anti-gravity cars, that free energy to run. There are no wheels or polluting fuel.
At the first level, there are public transport, but there are instead of bus, train or plane, interplanetary portals. Therefore, a trip to the other side of the planet is just as fast as a trip to another part of your neighborhood. Reproduction devices, many like the replicators on Star Trek set, look at your food. When you have completed your meal, the remains of her, plates and table decorations placed in a different replicators, which takes apart the raw materials for another creation. In fact, this reality much of the same technology as in Star Trek. It are starships, Transportation, remote scanners and communications devices that you wear on your clothes or implants in your body. Your body seems just as on the physical level, no matter what you do or where you are, appears only threw her, healthy and without any age.
continued 3
To travel in the middle fifth dimension, you scarcely increases your response. Take a moment to breathe so peace and joy to exhale. With each inhale your consciousness centered on the peace of your high heart, and with each exhale you give the feeling of joy that through your Form circulates from ....
order to help you to ground this "changing reality" in your everyday life, we take you on this journey through the mixing of these five-dimensional reality in the middle of your daily activities grounded expression of yourself.
Therefore: If you stand
for example at a grocery store, it turns you from five-dimensional, correlated, sitting by her with your family at a table. While you give a thank you on your empty plate, opens your eyes to see that the plate is filled with food that seems to glow from the light. If you clean up your three-dimensional table in order to make you a dish, see it correlate with the average five-dimensional life by her gratitude give for a nice meal and open your eyes to see the plates on the table to be cleaned. ...
When you get into your car to drive to work, take a moment to experience reality in which you expect at the place to be, where you offer your social service and open your eyes to see you there to see. Your friends who give you these services come together with you in unconditional love, if it materializes at her side.
If you sit down to pay your bills, think of the freedom from knowing that there is no cost, no one is paid for with money. Instead, everyone will be "paid" with joy and unconditional love. All services are given as a contribution of social health and well-being, and all products will materialize with your expectation.
While you go look through your neighborhood, every house sparkles and is surrounded by several layers of light and unconditional love.
felt her KNOWS everyone in your neighborhood and immediately communicated telepathically with them. However, take a moment for it to feel empathy when You can select the ILLUSION OF PRIVACY to YOUR ILLUSION OF PERSONAL EFFORT THE CASE. Everyone knows that you are all ONE, but many still have the habit of individuality and are free to participate in that experience, even when always choosing her. You enjoy the old sensation of walking, however decides that it would be nice to fly. With that thought raises your form of light to see into the air and it flies high over your environment, and the beautiful areas of the surrounding nature.
you choose, it would be wonderful to have the experience of a tree and immediately noticed your roots in the soil, deep in the earth, and by your leaves moving breeze. It is followed by the breeze in the atmosphere and notes that you are now informally. You will enjoy exemption from all forms ~ and flies through the sky as the wind so high.
As you can see down, you recognize your neighborhood, and the vast areas of land that surrounds them. Your seigt up higher and higher until you can perceive the entire planet. The New Earth is a sparkling gem that is filled with peace and love.
As you slowly go back down into your body you realize that YOU are not. Your body is only a shell to keep your great essence in a form. You want to share your experience of planetary unit with the new arrivals, so you go to "work on the threshold of the New Earth."
Those of you that you have been able to extend to you enough awareness of the middle fifth dimension match report, often volunteered to work with those who are on the threshold of a new five-dimensional. Many newcomers to the multi-dimensional awareness are very confused or even frightened. It is this terror that requires immediate attention, as their fear when they are helped immediately, their response is returned to the lower fourth dimension. Therefore, all newcomers in through a small portal which immediately monitor their level of fear. If there ever is fear, a silent alarm is ringing, so that the "helpers" to help the newcomer immediately.
Some of you, you who have worked in the middle fifth dimension, are immediately at destination, or destinations that you've already selected and prepared you travel during your meditations and interdimensional. Others of you may go directly to the average five-dimensional world, while others might want to go to their home worlds, as the five-dimensional Zantarius. Still others can come back to the star ship, on the result of your higher-dimensional Expression have been used. Maybe others do but visit the multi-dimensional crystal temple.
You can also select a shape in the emerging reality, while keeping her at the same time hold a shape in the middle fifth dimension. In fact, you all hold a five-dimensional reality in countless versions of your self in the A consent of NOW. The most important thing for you is to recognize that you choose. You have created your ascension and select you will see how it goes.
Finally, we want to say that there are many parallel realities the earth is that resonate at different frequencies. The fact that you will perceive the reality that reaches the resonance of your consciousness. When your consciousness has fear, it is a lower frequency reality. When your consciousness resonates with unconditional love, you will experience the choice of many higher-dimensional worlds.
your shift in consciousness depends entirely on whether you choose love or fear keep. As we have often said, reduces fear, your state of consciousness while love will increase it. To choose a reality that resonates with the fifth dimension, you will choose a maintain resonance Unconditional Love. We understand how difficult it can be that choice in your present life. On the other hand, the life where you get this message one of great use for your soul, because it is the reality of planetary ascension.
continues during this promotion process, you will many options, your mental and emotional reactions relating to make, have in all that happens. In this "final act" of the planetary ascension, it can seem as if the darkness / fear "wins", but this possible reality only exists if you stay on the timeline of reality, in fear of your decisions prescribes. If you choose to take ONLY the decision based on love, you, the wave will rise above all fear-based realities ride. We understand how challenging these times are. Many of the aspects of your life that you once as income willing to change, now or probably go forever.
Given the urgency, we are a very important concept in Arcturians transmission start to help you to move into the fifth-dimensional Earth. When we say "we are about to start" means that the transfer if such transfer is the Grounded ready to receive them for the person will begin. Arcturians we are not bound by space-time, because we resonate with the ONE NOW. Thus, our transmission is similar to a radio station which transmits the time, but she receives her only if you turn on your radio and vote with our station / frequency. Therefore, when coming back ever you at a sufficiently high state of consciousness and where you can receive our station, even if it's only for a moment (remember that we do not exist at the time), or even while you dream you will transform our transfer of energy received.
The transformative power that we send is on a continuous beam for those who can raise their resonant enough to "begin a journey. This trip is much like your surfing / surfing. must first go her to the ocean (take the time to ready to shoot to be), then you swim with your surfboard out (meditation) in the water, pays attention to the flow of water (energy patterns) and then you will step on your surfboard (find your balance) so that you can begin a journey. Your travel (within our energies
fluent) will last as long as you can maintain your balance. The balance we are talking about is balance within the center point to keep your consciousness. This center point can be found in the core of your high heart, there is where our river you can easily accept the unconditional love.
If you receive our transmission, we ask you that you remain aligned with our consciousness, so that you can serve as an amplifier for the unconditional love that flows freely, and still further by the higher dimensional realities. We know that many may be scared of our grounded by the unconditional love, for them is unknown, and the greatest fear of mankind is fear of the unknown. However, we now want to give this service, when the soil is in direct alignment with the Galactic center in 2012, the energy is this unconditional love are greatly increased! This intense flow Unconditional love can frighten those who have never experienced.
An example of this fear of the unknown floating in the ocean waves. If you are accustomed to swimming in the ocean, it is a beautiful and magnificent experience. The flow of the waves provides you more enjoyment, because you understand how it moves. On the other hand, if you've never seen the ocean, as it was not millions, the idea could stand up there, knock you.
All that is need to make it, our gift to accept and call us directly. You will prepare your consciousness on the best way to give it to you knowing that we have a gift that we share with you. do not worry, if we can see you, though you can not normally perceive us ~ we see you clearly. Allows you to sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply. A breathes peace and quiet breathing. "Any request" is not our gift and makes no effort to surrender you to easily take. While you accept our gift of unconditional love not only you win a great healing, but your creativity reached a very high gain.
Unconditional Love is not only the healing energy of the universe. She is also the creative energy of the universe. At this moment it creates ALL pregnant (with) your multi-dimensional Light Body. As your light body resonates beyond space and time, it is not the passage of time, but a lot of unconditional love that you maintain in your consciousness, which initiated the "birth" of your light body. Like feeding a pregnant woman's fetus with emerging food draws you into your body, her, men and women, your light-body nourishes the fetus with the unconditional love that you hold in your consciousness.
There a spectrum of time, which initiates the birth of the human fetus. In the same way there is a spectrum of the unconditional love that light signals the body to begin his broadcasting beyond the limits of his physical shape of your uterus. Once the aura of your light body, the limits of your physical earth vessel overlap, it will gradually your primary vessel. Meanwhile, you have two bodies, your physical body and your light body. Your human body perceives and experiences the three-dimensional reality, while your light body senses the five-dimensional reality and intimate experiences.
Another important benefit of adopting our unconditional love is, love is an antidote to fear, and unconditional love is the antidote to all fear. If you wish to have an image easier to agree with our gift, think of our awareness is presented as a portal, which surrounds the Galactic center. This portal serves as a way station, where you can receive, our grounding, the multi-dimensional light and unconditional love that emanates from the galactic center.
Within this portal we will help you to modulate your energies and to calibrate the response to open in their most easily your High Heart, to our present to accept unconditional love. We ask you to ground this unconditional love in Gaia, so that it can reinforce this with their earthly bodies. For this you will send this Gaia enlarged love, so that ye can project out into your daily life. In this way it is used to open and Gaia as a team to the high heart and extend the light body of your many loved ones.
fact, we see your open heart and extended high light body.
In response, we send you an endless flow of Unconditional Love.
The Arcturians