waves of Diamond Light
The waves of Diamond Light
and the next section of the Indigo / Crystal adventure in light
Excerpt from
http://newenergyhome.forumup.org/viewtopic.php?p=15694&mforum=newenergyhome # 15 694
Beloved, on 10 / 10/10 and the opening of the Sternentorportals have the Diamond Light waves from coming to the planet has grown. These have the effect of activating the higher consciousness and to increase the energy fields of love and peace on earth.
But they are also supported by the arrival of the children of the diamond crystal rose and made possible. These children are the next "wave" of crystal children, and they are born in full cosmic consciousness and fully awake and connected to the spark of divine light, which they carry in their interior. Your energy field sparkles like diamonds, they sow the new energies in the collective light fields on the Earth.
At the same time, the Indigo-/Kristallwesen enabled on the planet, according to the divine plan as it is brought by the Light Codes expression passed into the next phase of its work into it. This is the work, channels and forms of expression to be the new energy and thereby help to create a viable partnership with nature, so that the planet has a viable future in peace, love and sustainability has.
Many of the first and second waves of the Indigo beings that arrived in the 70s and 80s on the planet will move into this new consciousness and this new work of love into it. You will feel called to work in groups and in projects that affect the formation a workable and compassionate life support on Earth. This will also be noticed by all creatures that have moved through the Indigo and Crystal stages of transformation through and for the Diamond Rose - awareness of cosmic wisdom, as it is brought to the planet Earth to the expression, are ready.
This is a deeply grounded consciousness, which aligns the Seelensternchakra on the Earth Star chakra. At the level of the Seelensternchakras Seelenakasha awakened to memories of who you are and your cosmic connection to the stars. At the level of Erdensternchakras you awaken to deep collective memories of past life on Earth and have the Erdenakasha from Access to the wisdom of this life.
mean conjunction of the two rivers of wisdom, that your light codes and information from the highest sources available to receive and you are expanding in awareness and consciousness. The waves of pure Diamond Light which enter into the planets, the effect of information through new forms of sacred geometry of light "to get to higher levels". These bring about a new driving force to develop new forms of being. Beloved, it is not surprising that you feel you may be exhausted and confused, while all this new information into your light body and in your memory cells and incorporated into your DNA. Your mind is not able to process this information. The intellectual level and the mental body are given, to process your current life experience and give this information in the earth and Seelenakasha into further. The mental ability is limited. Only the channels and meridians of higher consciousness in the light body that you have developed in recent years, are able to process this information in connection with your DNA.
Beloved Ones, the work of the mind is to allow the rest of the multidimensional body to process and move forward and "instructions" to perceive, from the heart come from and through the body. If You judge yourself according to these instructions, then you will flow with ease and grace and joy in higher forms of expression and higher forms of love into it.
We wish you a truly light, joy and the blessing of the peace and compassion and love in the month of November.
© 2010-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
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