"Visit Atlantis again: 10 ~ 10 ~ 10"
Atlantis visit again: the crystalline field of 10 ~ 10 ~ 10 "
Archangel Metatron by Tyberonn, 06.06.2010, www.earth-Keeper.com, # 46
translation: Shana, www.torindiegalaxien.de
Greetings dear ones! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I welcome you all in a vector Unconditional Love!
And so, while the 10 ~ 10 ~ 10 in a rapid manner approaching to enter the mighty Atlantic temple crystals on the planet in greater potency. The Emerald Crystal of Healing, which is the 9 ~ 9 ~ 9 Introduction activated is of paramount importance and serves as a sovereign distribution to the other crystalline in steadfast field projection to activate.
to 10 ~ 10 ~ 10 made the long idle Emerald crystal held at the Mount Mage in Arkansas on the morning of the 10th October at 10:10:10 Clock 50% of its potency.
And so we talked again of which clearly show the mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantum crystalline frequency. Now, in 2010, this vortex moves to the importance of further development of the dimensional lock that held the Atlantean crystalline wisdom of the Golden Age of Atlantis ~ in the highest frequency that was maintained on your Earth plane ever.
fact, now that time has come. And in 2010, set the exponential flow and extending the main temple Atlantic crystals continue to be maintained over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. Many of you are drawn to attend the unveiling because it actually there to witness the flood and some of you in the resulting consistent movement for the Atlantic Master crystals and in other areas. The new crystalline age is before you.
The diamond crystalline phase transition of the Earth is carried to 10 ~ 10 ~ 10, in correlation to the 10th Dimension and 12 Chakra resonance. The "Crater of Diamonds" in Arkansas is related energy of the diamond-resonance release in the crystal-vortex at 10 ~ 10 ~ 10, trigger and transferred to Mount Maga, and this will enable diamond crystal areas in Africa, South America, Canada, Russia, Australia and Asia. All are connected tonal thrust.
Beloved, crystalline energy is an omnipotent source of energy that their meaning is far beyond the current human understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by a light essence of the frequency response that is multidimensional and coherent way, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Divine Metatronic-template, the source of all creation and manifestation forms, the exact matrix structure of each plane of existence. It are the enzyme of the reality and the vital energy source of the cosmos itself, the thoughts you have, must rise to a coherent crystalline form, to become manifest. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the essential life energy, the integral nature of all worlds and realities is. The crystalline structure is the obvious boundaries and divisions between the dimensions, levels, and the matter-antimatter awareness in parallels and probabilities. Everything is crystalline.
The graduation of your planet, the rise called, is practically the critical mass conversion of this hidden underground, and received capacity-template, in your vernacular, Analog to digital, black and white to color. The crystalline transformation by the antennas of the 144 Crystalline grid field vastly increases the dimensional receiving your Earth from 3D to 12D and beyond. It is similar to your TV, which is outdated by the changes to the satellite antenna reception. It is the crystalline age.
The crucial turning point was the Cosmic Trigger. There is much to-use energy. But give freely to fear, dear ones, this time in this new era Crystalline, you will not manage it poorly.
Three Atlantic wisdom and healing crystals, the once magnificent light and celestial energy radiated in the temple of healing, the Temple of the One and the temple of knowledge in Poseida were closed in the Atlantic dimensional crystal fields of Arkansas set. The first of these was 2008 and the second gives 2009th 2010, these are further activated and connect with those in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca held Temple crystals.
master, the purple crystals of the clay, located in Brazil wakes at 10 ~ 10 ~ 10 by the diverse distribution of Mount Maga. And in 2010 and 2012, completions and activations are completed in all consummate degree.
reinforce this fact, now the golden sun disc, which is set in Arkansas and connect with the 12 samples anywhere on the planet with the paradigm of the 12 crystal skulls, making them the sacred 13th Patterns form. That the 13 ~ 20 ~ 33, you see.
in Arkansas will be called many, and many will come as part of an old contract to participate in this awakening, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are already there, called to live within this crystalline vortex that 2012 will be complete on site. And to be further activate the other triple-data portals, named after the Law of One, because this time the crystal is not abused, they will not be given to the dark forces of greed.
now means it's not that you activate the crystals, it is not to you, to anchor the vortex, but it's about to join you in this accomplishment, this activation and celestial anchoring of the crystalline quantum field, you align with it. Those scientific priests, Crystal Master of Atla-Ra and Poseidon, the Temple of the One Law of the guard to be called.
champion, you've been waiting for eons of time trying to accomplish this, and those are the Atla-Ra and the crystal-temples of Poseida hear the clarion call. The master crystals of the golden age of Atlantis show dimensional rainbow-access, which speeds up your personal and planetary ascension. It is a promise kept, a holy perfection. In fact, you can
the benevolent power and wisdom of the Atlantic crystals for healing and wisdom to access ethereal. It is not necessary for you in a physical embodiment within the Arkansas-vortex to be present to participate in this activation and to receive them. However, it is useful for those of you who receive it the call to visit the vortex and go through the crystal fields. Those of you who choose to visit the Holy Land from Arkansas, to fill a personal crystal with the energy of the Golden Age of Atlantis can be found. Indeed, the Permission granted and the crystals offer Himself to you for countless purposes.
The Guardians of Sirius, Arcturus and the Pleiades are now preparing the stage, waiting to join you. Send your energy, send your light and your intent highest good to what the Blue Crystal of Knowledge Master is called. He ruled once in wisdom and light in the temple of knowledge, and many of you will see it again clearly in your mind's eye, you will actually him in your heart, with tears of joy to feel.
Atlantis, the missing link of Pangaea
Atlantis is actually the missing link of Pangaea, located in the central Atlantic. We will share with you below his story in detail. But you are aware of Masters, it has not lost all the great temple-crystals of Atlantis. In fact, some of you were involved in her rescue.
The first stored-crystal temple was the Blue Crystal of Knowledge. He is under the earth, built below the crown center of the vortex, which is called Talimena Ridge, in a sacred chasm, long time ago. The Blue Crystal of Knowledge stands upright, is 48 feet high and 12 feet in diameter. It pulsates and radiates a rainbow of silver, turquoise and cobalt blue, while it is activated in the sacred contract. He considers the multidimensional wisdom and knowledge of the ages. The second crystal, which has been preserved, was the emerald crystal. He is now at the Mount Maga, the heart center of the crystal vortex of Arkansas. He is about 20 meters in height and 5 meters in width.
Atlantis: The true legend of the fall
Beloved, these crystals have been saved from destruction and now you will be offered the reminder why. All these magnificent creatures crystal you offer so much. The extension of the holy perfection, applies to ALL! It is to remember at the time, who you were to become all that you are in this time of awakening, this return to the crystalline quantum field of Atlantis was a golden Time, a great era that was betrayed by her indecent end. And so we tell you the real story of this end.
You know, Atlantis existed about 200,000 years ago. The vast majority of Atlantic times were periods of light! Only the final phase, the period from 17,000 BC to 10,500 BC, was a dark era in your terms, but rich in lessons.
The Golden Age
We tell you, in fact, that the golden period of Atlantis, the highest level of light-consciousness on the Earth plane ever scored than any other advanced civilization higher than Lemuria, higher than MU, higher as Rama, higher than Ignacious. It has become something modern, Lemuria to be regarded as the utopian civilization, and although it achieved a relatively short-lived phase of high consciousness, were the most in this era is not actually in physical bodies, but rather in Deva-like, essential conditions and were not the difficulties, which were required by the physical world stage. Lemuria actually never reached the advanced level that existed during that golden period of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC. A time when the gods were with the men and knew all the joyful expression, it was the holy time in which many of you star children selected on the blue planet called Earth to embody, later chose the biology lesson and the cycles of reincarnation.
Therefore, when you look at Atlantis, remember not just to his sad end! There was a brief but glorious period antediluvian world, and it need not be forgotten, it should rather be obtained from the final stage of understanding, her friends, it is time to remember.
The Atlantic hologram
Thus we speak of a once mighty Atlantis, and we speak with you all about Atlantis as a great lesson holographic whose time has returned, because the memory of Atlantis is not just healing. In fact, It is a required for some healing, a necessary cleaning, but for others it is a benevolent authority. It again calls a time when you were walking in the knowledge. Regardless of your many roles in Atlantis, and their loved ones, 70% of that time on the planet experienced it there physically, Atlantis is calling you now.
And the reputation is not easy for those of you from the law of A, it is also called the Aryans and the sons of Belial. In fact, many of you learned in two lifetimes ideologies. Does that surprise you?
The flood of 17,500 BC ~ the downward spiral of the last phase
The time after the second flood, as the utopian Golden Age of Atlantis sank and split into 5 islands. The three major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and Og. The two smaller islands were known as the rule of the Aryans, as Atalya and Eyre. And in the days after the second break of Atlantis, she took the benevolent government of the kingdom and led her into the phase of an alliance, expressed in your terms as a state government that ruled each of the islands. There is an aristocracy developed in that way they consisted of two opposing ideologies. The two main components thereof were the "Law of One," based on the island Poseida and the "sons of Belial", on the the island of the Aryans based. The island was inhabited most of the Aryans and exerted influence and political control of Og, Atalya and from Eyre.
Poseida was the most powerful vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis on the planet. The Poseida group and the island housed the temple of healing, the temple of sound, the Temple of the One, the Temple of Regeneration and the Temple of Knowledge. Poseida was also home to most major centers for higher teachings. They were set to Poseida because of their advantageous position in the geodetic grid and its proximity to beneficial electromagnetic energy, which climbed from the core of the earth in an upward spiral upward. A incredibly powerful healing source to Poseida flowed near the temple of healing, and its tradition gave birth to the myth of the "fountain of youth" by the indigenous peoples of Florida. You still flows into the oceans near Bimini.
The great golden race of Atlantis, 10 to 12 feet in stature, the Pleiades seeds were centered in Poseida. They were a gentle race of giant deals, have been with cultural, artistic and educational aspirations in the heart of Atlantis. Poseida was also the headquarters and the core of crystalline energy grid and interdimensional tunnel system. The most advanced, complex and beautiful crystals were here. They were of Arcturians Sirians and constructed a living mixture of many crystalline forms with an alloy of platinum and gold. The crystals were housed in magnificent temples, some built of marble, others of crystalline sheets of beryl, corundum and diamond. Poseida was also the capital of the island and was called the Emerald City. The Atlanteans had perfected Arcturian technology with the ability to crystals of every structure and essence to grow, and grow in an accelerating growth in the interdimensional tunnel system, which was located underground in Arkansas, Tibet and Brazil.
was in Atlantis to the energy grid crystals, called Posers, triangulated and connected by a gold-copper rod under a vaulted dome, which was beveled to receive certain stellar, solar and Garvitations-energy waves. This was the system that was used to power homes, offices, media and theater, factories, medical centers, liabilities and transactions. The Poser system could be ordered in any structure, received by crystal units of different sizes. Poser The system was also able to receive specialized, broken light for use in the interdimensional tunnel system and sending it into the ley energy system, and to feed light into crystalline conductive ground currents to enter the frequency in a semi-conscious raise electromagnetic plasma field of benevolent power, able to keep mental frequencies.
A large, crystalline satellite to be called the second moon of Atlantis, floated in the heavens, and received, strengthened and refined energy reflected down to the crystals for various beneficial purposes. He provided both the Poser and the master-crystals that were used in the temples. Specialized energy fields have been projected in Agricultural and crystal growing areas to increase growth and accelerate as they were projected in universities, hospitals, schools, offices, factories and jobs in order to strengthen to provide the workers and students. Later we will talk about the "second moon" in this report. Now the temple
were amazing works of sacred geometry and fantastic architecture. Many of the great temple were crowned by a dome, the greater the crystalline light and a bit like a glowing force field covered. These were of various colors and glowed both day and night. They varied according to the purpose of the temple complex. Some temple domes projected fields of vibrating light and sounding frequencies, which reinforced the senses and chakras, others enhanced the learning ability of the mind, and others made it possible multidimensional Awareness, communication and transportation. In addition, had the most major cities during the Golden Age of Atlantis crystalline energy dome of energy fields about it.
had after the second flood of the capital of Poseida a full crystalline energy dome in an incredible emerald green color.
Before the flood of 17,500 BC, had the most major cities, including Meruvia, the capital of the Aryans, such energy domes over the perimeter. The Aryan was a soft ruby red.
were in the Golden Age of Atlantis, the three-and four-sided pyramids, even after its utility, and generally made of marble, granite and complex Crystals made. The three-sided pyramids were used as antennas to pull energy, strengthen and inject them into Poser grid to power homes, factories and energy fields for various utilities. The crystalline satellite was used to reflect the stellar energy waves in the triangulated grid. There were over 100 of these triangulated pyramidal grid complexes. They were set up in concentric triangulated patterns over the entire planet. They established a hemispherical grid of crystalline and electromagnetic energy, which the areas of Atlantis, America, Africa, Mediterranean, Europe and South America into different demographic centers one hastened to drive the population to concentrate and modulate the weather and tides. The regions of Mongolia and Tibet were also part of this complex, connected by interdimensional ley tunnels. But the biggest groups were from this in the home countries of Atlantis.
The four-sided pyramids were generally full temple complexes as octahedron and were used for healing, learning, regeneration and spiritual purposes. These were not triangulated, and generally placed on top or along the coast lines to tellurium and celestial energy to receive. The land below the center was excavated to the downward pyramid of the octahedral structure to enable both sides, top and bottom, energetic establish contact.
The "Law of One," the contingency of Poseida were devout, spiritual man, equality among men and an association studied in unity. Although much technology and quality of life in the previous two fractures of Atlantis had been lost (the first 58 000 BC, the second 17 500 BC), the technology still remained at an advanced level. Yet the harmony experienced in the Golden Age of Atlantis after the break of 17,500 AD, a downward spiral in which they, with the islands of separate beings with different ideologies in the initially chaotic and difficult period were governed after the break, got a boost.
Poseida and the Atla-Ra
A very disciplined and developed religion of science priests held the technical wisdom and expertise on the management of the crystal lattice energy. The vast majority of Atla-Ra was the great golden race, but there were also members of the Bronze and White, Brown and Cetacean-Lemurian races. At that time there were Cetacean-being, which walked on two legs, communicated with the mouth and breathing air in a similar way as the human race. The religion of science priests were called Atla-Ra. The Atla-Ra were the highest Standards in the consciousness and could continue to maintain, at very high frequencies to resonate in the consciousness to stay at and above the levels of 12-dimensional light and energy, and with the true "oneness" concept of the Creator / God, very pure and resonant . They held higher-dimensional telepathic contract with the advanced space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius.
The Atla-Ra Priests were highly revered and freed themselves traditionally undertaken by government controls, and maintained so that knowledge and oldest management of crystal technology largely in wise and benevolent hands of the community, although some as one of you engineers and were included engineers from the crystal-Poseida people with you, even if you no her in the Atla-Ra community. The priests of science Atla-Ra were both male and female and capable of great life experiences, both through the regeneration of mind power and the technology in the temple of rejuvenation. Many lived lifetimes in the same biology for 6,000 years, others up to 12,000 years! Thus, the technology was preserved through this holy religion. Many brilliant souls were among them. The creatures, which it uses as Galileo, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Marcel Vogel knows, Ronna Herman and DaVinci seen among the Atla-Ra. Tyberonn Oneronn and were part of this group of science-priest the very long lifetimes lived.
Many of you, especially your artist, the great reputation of the capital city of Atlantis, located in the region of Poseida have received. It was called the Emerald City because of the bright green dome light that was projected on her. Some of your artists have in fact reproductions created by the city that are quite accurate. It was a miracle of exquisite architecture, culture and technology ~ by far the most beautiful city that has ever existed on your planet. She was breathtaking. The city, also called Poseida, like the state, consisted of a series of concentric walls and was surrounded by flowing sea-green channels. She was full of beautifully constructed temples, universities, theaters and museums. In the center was to be a hill and on the hills of the beautiful and fantastic temple of Poseidon, was visible everywhere in the sacred Emerald City. In the temple was a massive gold statue of the god of the sea, which showed him with 6 winged horses, which were created by the extraordinary extraterrestrial platinum. The statue was with precious stones of any color and type embellished. The temple was octagonal and along each of the 8 enclosures with convex walls were built platforms for amazing crystals, which were 12 feet high and shone like transparent diamonds. Poseida was one of the least damaged Atlantic major cities after breaking into islands, and was still in a very high frequency and quality of life.
Aryan and the Industrial Complex
Aryans was the largest of the islands and most populated. Aryan was the commercial center and brought the most influence in economic, agricultural and military perspectives. After the 2nd Aryan tide was severely damaged and the chaotic infrastructure required a phase of reconstruction. In this process, the state of a "white" race, an elite wealthy masters, whose control of the economy, the military and the island government was concerned, although the majority of the population was of bronze or red race. From the Aryans grew a corrupt power-roofed and corrupt aristocracy, which sought the "Law of One" to block and get to Atlantis technology to control the world through the use of crystalline energy for weapons and genetic science, development and maintenance of an inferior race , to serve as laborers and soldiers.
Genetic engineering was founded in Meruvia to Arica. Originally it was intended for benevolent purposes, but to seek improved physical vehicles for those who incarnated in physical bodies in half animal and half-human mutant. The genetic work had been handled in Arica and was used to attach, remove claws, feathers and reptile skins. This was done in the temple of cleaning, in a specialized medical center. Again, we emphasize that this program was during the Golden Age of Atlantis was really sympathetic. Tremendous genetic progress has been made and a great understanding of physical limitations were set, recorded in a responsible, ethical and serving program.
In the chaos of the reconstruction period, genetic engineering came under the control of Belial group, and then disparaged in use by greed and power. The genetic engineering began to end in darkness, as a race of workers, slaves and hybrid human-animals were created. Just as it was transmitted in Nazi Germany to develop compositions in "pure races". In fact, many of the genetic scientists were initially kept unconscious about what their research and development work has been used until it was really too late to stop it. Some of you are these days large debt as a result of this work.
The Law of One and the sons of Belial
This use of genetically engineered servant classes led to the great schism between the "Law of One" and the sons of Belial, which the latter is in the material ambitions of the industrial Machinery hardened as they the intellectual ethics that prevailed on the continent of Atlantis in the Golden Age, had lost sight of. Literally hundreds of thousands of hybrid mutations were created to work the fields and miscarriages were to robotoids with a controlled mind, created to orders from their "masters" to run. The Agro-industrial society of the Aryans of them was very dependent. Souls were cloned body, called "things" and "Other", with African gent lobotomy and transcended sexuality and emotional disability. Many who were trapped in monstrous androgynous bodies or in human bodies, who have now are still locked up those horrible pain, to no lessons, may experience spiritual growth and emotional expression.
remained closed during several millennia the two ideologies of the heads, and government agencies were in a state of delicate impasse. The people of Poseida were very cultured and gentle in nature, so they tried to fight but not the Aryans were trying to educate them and spiritually to influence is to change their ways. The Aryans were the majority of 3 to 1, but dared not Poseida attack for fear that the crystalline energy that powered the nation shut down, could.
wars broke out in the meantime the war between the military and the Aryan Atlantic from Mediterranean areas located in controlled colonies of Atlantis, and they developed their own independent governments. The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey saw the change in the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state, which was controlled by the Aryans and tried to break. Although the Aryans had the military rank, subject to the Mediterranean States, and so regional raged, colonial wars, in which neither side was able to dominate the other. Interest groups within the Aryans tried increasingly to use crystal energy to the opponent . Suppress However, this was stoutly resisted by the Atla-Ra, and "Law of One" people of Poseida. terrorize
Several unsuccessful attempts, the people of Poseida were started by the Aryans, each was repulsed. The Poseidaner retaliated by refusing turns off the power and the Aryans. The Aryans responded by stopping the intake of food and industrial goods. A great impasse ensued.
The Atlantic association congress
concealed in a large deceptive plan as a blueprint for a union, the Aryans Poseidanern approached with the formation of a renewed National Congress to its increasing and edit tense differences and bring harmony to Atlantis. Representatives from the "Law of One" are sent along with representatives of the Sons of Belial. The Congress was formalized with an equal amount of contractual commitments for both parties. Within a short order an alliance has been sanctified with the promise of greater harmony. For several decades it seemed that are the promise of change and improvements from the National Congress could. The Poseidaner were encouraged and many of them left their guard. The Atla-Ra were cautious about the motives and feel to end deception.
First, improved National Congress of the relationships and many small, superficial laws that promised unity were set in motion. Nevertheless remained the primary points of opposition, the genetic slavery and the crystal-energy-management, unresolved.
However, from within the sons of Belial, a hypnotic, charismatic leadership had lifted, the masses in Atlantis misled into believing that they were the answer, Atlantis bring back his lost golden age of the projection and fullness . The leaders of this group were the souls that you know as Hitler and Himmler, actually your highest Nazi World War II. Large military legions were formed and reached the limits in a hidden political persuasion and power generation. The hybrids mutations were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og, an opportunity like this was tried in vain Poseida.
The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and the media. They present well thought wobbled out of arguments that hide their true intentions and promised mutual compromise. The propaganda on the surface seemed really possible, and convinced many, including moderates and some from the Law of One, as it showed both hope for harmony.
In what appeared to be a great opportunity for decision, was a law proposed by the Group Belial ~ introduce the gene, previously controlled by the State of Aryans under control of the Alliance, and the return of the crystal-poser system under the control of a government department. Much discussion and debate among the major national investigation ensued. A vote was scheduled, but failed in the Congress vote.
The next part will follow as soon as possible, Shana, 09/06/2010