In recent years, developed the Web browser to the most important application on the desktop computer and the smartphone. He has ventured into the domain of adult application such as mail clients and office suites and has seemingly ubiquitous tools like Microsoft Outlook and Word already partially repressed. Application logic increasingly migrates from server to client, from the back into the web browser.
If more and more application logic will be moved from the server to the client is, for a developer to question whether the rest of the application logic in Backend can not be developed in the same language that is used in the Web browser. There is no logical reason why JavaScript should only run the web browser. It also appears economical if you can draw on a large number of developers who develop in a single language. JavaScript on the server could certainly not grown or SAP SOA environments, but replace it as web frameworks, Spring MVC / WebFlow and JSF.
is thus interesting JavaScript now on the server. Even databases such as DB-bed use JavaScript as a native query language. With ECMAScript 5, there is also in the language itself interesting new features.
V8 the JavaScript runtime environment, created by Google for Google's Chome browser developed. V8 implemented in the current version 2.2, ECMA Script 3rd
Google developed with V8 a run-time environment that runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. V8 is written entirely in C + + and can be embedded in C + + applications. Moreover, it can of course also run standalone.
V8 is very fast. Responsible for the development was Lars Bak. Another ten years before Java had the reputation of being slow and notchy. A small start-up to Lars Bak, however, developed a new Java Virtual Machine, the compiled code at run time. The Java JIT was born. The Lars Bak developed virtual machine is the source of hotspot, the current Java Virtual Machine from Sun Microsystems (now Oracle). Only with Hotspot Java could reach the popularity that it has today. Just as Java HotSpot had accelerated, accelerated V8 JavaScript.
V8 compiles JavaScript to native microcode instead of interpreting it. Further acceleration V8 achieved by caches the return values of methods. This optimization technique, called inline caching. Although the garbage collector is a stop-the-world garbage collector, but he is very fast. V8 JavaScript runs almost as fast as a compiled native program.
was published as a V8, was it is about twice as fast as the runtime environments of others. This led first to the fact that a real race between browsers and the JavaScript runtime environments has taken place. Without V8 TraceMonkey, hunter or monkey SquirrelFish would probably not have been developed so quickly.
JavaScript as Google considered one of the drivers of the Web. Google was even tempted to announce a clean Google Chrome Web operating system OS, which can be only through web technologies such as HTML and JavaScript programming.
V8 could - if not the - form the basis of JavaScript on the server or in native applications.
To install V8, you need subversion and SCons. Subversion is a source-code management systems, SCons is a build system. Under MacOS it is best to use ports.
$ sudo port install scons subversion
In Ubuntu Linux you used the package manager apt.
In the 64bit version of Ubuntu Linux, it might be necessary to install additional packages, the multi-Lib.
$ sudo apt-get install g + +-multilib gcc-multilib
Then you can check out V8 build from the Subversion repository.
$ svn checkout v8
$ cd v8
$ scons sample = shell
V8 Now you can start using the command "shell".
$. / Shell
V8 version 2.2.21
> print ("Hello World");
Hello World
> quit ();
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