Lord Kuthumi through Michelle Eloff, 13.12.2008,
www.thelightweaver.org order the audio version downzuladen, shop page of www.indecontent.com
German translation: Helga Häusler, www.erwachendesherzens.com QUOTE:
And so I come now to a step BACK to the master, all of us the past few weeks, months and days with sooo much wisdom and love and enthusiasm stood to the side is in many learning steps of our ever-expanding consciousness - Kuthumi - to make space that we already on 1.1.2009 of the NEW YEAR MESSAGE one by Michelle Eloff across - our heartfelt THANKS to this point, if we have it yet "extremely" to this address -
I have just time for translation, so that we can find time for a bewus most change and the study of this extensive exhibit preparation material, which gives us in the first tw o lf days of January, with exact notes on what
us over the next tw o lf months that lie ahead as expected on issues, challenges of screams in the SELF-Cup, authorizations, opportunities, key activation, vibration, increased awareness in relation to understanding of creative potential and our ability to balance to enable it by understanding, or as we bring about it, the material aspects of our lives "successful or not to manage ", the decision to implement our choice, fair exchange of energy finally kl ä Ren and specify that for free and charge nothing must be given just because it is spiritual or religious nature, as we otherwise the provider of the energy debt "karma" and agree, that our belief systems and awareness-STAND Punk kl Ren .... etc etc. ... and we therefore ask the question: "what is it that we are to master to achieve complete and initiate
do for the upcoming NEW YEAR!" And so on. and so it goes in the following months continued with opportunity for a deeper understanding of EMBRACE GROWTH and aspect of ourselves that are reflected by wonderful, poignantly reflected in the exterior, so we see more clearly and deep healing can occur!
This we will then be invited, in tw o lf write educated sections of a self-made year-GRAPHICS, where are our goals, our ideas and all the add what we intended to serve as part of our "WITH OURSELVES closed TREATY" focusing on what we want, while maintaining memory, that the January job as U.S. PERSON concerns itself, and that each of the first tw o lf January-day f ü r tw o lf the following months is, therefore, we the SOFT
aware of the desired quality and set the intention. More to
1:1 Kuthumi Channeling - Part 8 - August
As you move deeper into the month of August, it welcomes the powerful energies of the Great Central Sun and on 8 . August opens the Sun Chakra his World and extends it even more than it did the last time we have welcomed them at the last 8:8 celebration and you will be deeper in the light of the sun taken with your hearts, you will in the plane of deep understanding of which pulled what is ABUNDANCE. And on this special day of 8.8. it happens - that Almighty LION, who as Lord SIAN with Lord Thoth and Horus is connected as well with the energy of Jupiter - that you will find that a whole new rush of energy propels you, the you can anchor the SUN in your heart and in your LIFE. It will be another time of experience to be certain level of "DEATH" (in quotes) and while her "die" for those old ways, you discover that the sunlight brings back to you very quickly in your power. This is a time where you can formulate very harmonious relationships and connections with new people and you can combine your sources of knowledge, love and wisdom and support each other through this all.
The golden vibrations of the roaring Cry of truth, which come forth by the imprint of the Golden Lion to be their anchor on 28 August round.
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