Kuthumi Channeling - Part 6-June 1
Lord Kuthumi through Michelle Eloff, 13.12.2008,
www.thelightweaver.org order the audio version downzuladen, shop side of www.indecontent.com
German translation: Helga Häusler, www . erwachendesherzens.com
This takes you into the month of June and on 6 Day of the 6 Month penetrates the Christ energy, the heart chakra. There are twelve rays in the whole, are passing from Sirius, the Pleiades, the ARCTURUS, Venus, Mars, the moon, the sun, of Jupiter. So you'll rays from the constellation of Cassiopeia, received the Bootes constellation, the constellation of the Scorpion and the constellation of the PROTECT will also help them in these twelve rays. These gather in a pool of powerful light and come to rest in the heart chakra. This created an entirely new vibration and essence of energy in the heart chakra and this is certain doors of opportunity for you open to serve you, and these energies will have an impact on your daily life. It happens in this period that benefited immensely from their rituals and ceremonies, and when you abhaltet with this awareness, the essence of her spirit begins in your daily activities to see. And this is a meditation will be in itself and this is the time when you begin to understand that it is you yourself, serving others and serving God, if you recognize the sacred rituals of everyday life. The reason why we propose you this is because there you into the present (NOW) moment and brings you the earth is at this crucial time of change, by all HEART-CHAKRA POINTS pass from mother-to-earth `s body is particularly on 16 of JUNE 2009. On this special day MARIA MAGDALENA the sixty-six CRYSTAL PILLARS is in the form of MAGDALENA ROSE COLUMN * produce. This is the mankind's ability to add depth to step into the liquid and express love liquid love. And it is happening during this time that the liquid love energy is passed through the soil and wash through the heart of humanity and 26 June will finish the process and you will be ready to take the next step of your journey and share of moving in July into it.
to "half" a few statements on "maps"
Hello rather Hedibaer,
you and all the interested, I would like, Helga Häusler, which I have translated this channeling, to your question "what does it because with the cards" is all about, answer FOLLOWING because yesterday I "accidentally" in This multi-interest forum enter snowing and I am very good at this remember repeating phrases may have been in the description of the exercise is often not clearly formulated:
This is the drawing up of 12 cards meant for 12 months, which are made of white cardboard should - in this context
were the participants of the live channeling local white box available in 12 single stack sections should be divided so that we speak
an intuitive card set (or map-section parts as designated Kuthumi elsewhere also) like the Tarot itself create customize, and with our senses, our goals, he should fill / or the focus, which we would like to host this year to fühlbahrem, awakened potential. They contain as content that is all that we want to manifest in new projects or "master" of issues that we brought into this new year, so we are aware, when they meet us, "as a mirror" to the challenge and not react as victims.
This is SO not in the English script formulated, otherwise I would even write my own lyrics, but just the whole sense of this apparent PREPARATION (the same orientation), otherwise the practice makes no sense!
Then you can ... this card set (the 12 individual cards Part of cardboard) to the contents are now experiencing THEMES on 12 December
bring out again - as Kuthumi in this monthly section recommends - direct your focus on it and in time for year-end (as we have now made it before the end of 2008) Fen pr ü, reflect on what it is, which is still eludes you, so that we do not bring in the new year and we continue to torment. This view is simplified by the CARD SET on the individual monthly passes we see in WORD / and / or symbol of our IDEAS mirrored, so that we were, a BILD-like-YEAR STUDY unfold the same lie a graphic very visible in front of us and us - as Kuthumi it more often stressed - not " excuse "to excuse, we would not have known it. This will allow us easy, all the unredeemed issues again consciously address and using the turn increasingly come flowing light from the central sun and all the beings of light to the Universal Solstice time 2009 around aufzul ö se n. We can also "intuitive" at the time (or in the other months), the card set equal to bring out a game and intuitively TART Card check and pull?!. "What is of topics just stressed" that is what we are witnessing "
that these very" are brought "not to understand formulated phrases in this channeling easy, I knew the translation, however, I wanted the original expression are largely without the expressions of changing very much. Because this translation is very extensive and because of the intricacies of the exercise was not easy to translate, I had not the time to revise this respect again, what I so often afterwards again in quiet moments of the distance out doing since was Christmas time and also I have family and other commitments of work and Maintenance of the website takes a lot of my time. And so now you can - if you go to my website to http://www.erwachendesherzens.com JANUARY NEWS, 31 Dezember/01. January 2009 (or on the German side channeling) are conscious of Kuthumi Channeling now supplemented with explanations in brackets because of better understanding. And so you will now find in a footnote along with the other statements now this.
If there are other questions, feel free to contact me directly so, to this end, the SOURCE of TRANSLATION and the name is so
in the translation!
And by the way - in the context of a remark about the source the publication of this Kuthumi channeling was taken - my site is very colorful - according to my rather particular interior décor divine-human expression, is expressed by my goddess through me. And it is wonderful, is not it, that it reveals the infinite diversity of creation that we are ALL in our own way, what is divinely simple, otherwise we would even in a "restricted", limited 3-D expression in the uniformity stand and everyone can choose yes, want to see what he does.
THANKS so for this question, because you have given so many others an answer and understand the possibility, of course!
MANY GREETINGS and you and you all a WONDER-full NEW YEAR 2009!
Best regards, Helga
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