Transition in the vortex crystal
"What's up in Arkansas? Transition in the crystal vortex "
Issue # 57 Archangel Metatron by Tyberonn 24 January 2011
translation: Shana,
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of light! We surround each of you with a vortex and field Unconditional love within coded light. We feed you and we honor each one of you. We know you by heart, every note of your name. It has always been so!
Every life is a sacred opportunity to explore to discover what lives within. On Earth, the vast dimensional overlays of the crystalline transition that promise to fill the sacred movement in the Mer-Ka-Na. Awareness is developed to wisdom and wisdom in conscious mastery, and so the return home to the flag after Sir crystalline light of divinity.
And so we talk about the crystalline transition and its anchoring in the crystalline vortex of sacred ARK.
The vortex completed
The activity of the vortex crystal is growing. We told you in previous communications that the vortex-portal of Arkansas arises, one of the most important and powerful energy on the planet. It is logarithmic in the last 3 years and grew many unusual phenomena begin to be noticed in this crystal vortex.
We tell you, master, that this is just the beginning, because the crystalline energy is surprisingly robust and exuberant dynamic. This benevolent force of energy is indeed a powerful omnipresence, which has not been seen in many thousands of years on the planet. It is a powerful mix of terrestrial, hyperdimensional and cosmic forces that are able to shake the earth to open and dimensions. It is also to the high frequency shift in your capable of. All this does actually exponentially as the dynamics of the Crysto-magnetic physics in the game that is beyond your present scientific understanding.
Arkansas has the largest deposit of natural quartz crystals in the northern hemisphere, and the second largest deposit in the world, Brazil. But it is the largest un-segmented, continuous collection on the planet and contains the resonant crystal is effectively programmed and coded crystals from the law of the One. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and expand in a massive western bend of over 170 miles and a width of 35-40 miles out. Arkansas also contains a unique combination of magnetic minerals, radium, ground water veins and diamond deposits that work synergistically with the crystal. Because of this mix of energies of the crystal vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the power and benefits of the vertebral portal field. Therefore, the Atlanteans have been particularly attracted to this field and why keep the Sirius-Pleiades alliance still underground bases in this area. It is completed quickly and is on its way, soon to be the cause of the rise.
crystal caves
master, rest beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas embedded enormous exquisite crystals, which in size and beauty you would take your breath away. Some of these quartz points are over 40 feet long, planted by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves under Arkansas, sends their mesmerizing aesthetic symmetry inner light, which is very sublime. This "master crystals" are intended beyond the reach of your mining interests, and this has been. These crystal beings are very old and have been for thousands of years in a dormant mode. They were programmed with specific attributes and the Sirians Atlanteans and are now in the happy mode of re-activation. This awakening effective dynamics and free energy, the extraordinary Phenomena produce as they start new, free from malice, they are quite the opposite. In fact, they are a gift impeccable share and complex value.
Question to Metatron: On 1-1-11 (1 January 2011) many birds appeared 5000 in Arkansas from the sky, and on the same day, 100,000 fish died in the river from Arkansas. Can you explain to her what happened, and it refers to any means to the crystal-activation?
Metatron: That was the day in an event that attracted much attention. The death of the blackbird was in fact an aspect of the crystalline energy of Arkansas, but not the fish. Although it was reported at the beginning that this occurred on the same day, the fish began dying, few days earlier. The fish died as a result of a bacteria in the water of the river, what was the result of residual traces of an agricultural pollutant, which fell into the river far above the barrel.
The time-related event took place when a huge group of Red-winged blackbirds, hundreds of thousands of nests in the area, and flew in a piezoelectric crystalline pulse energy in that part of the crystal vortex. The birds got into an electric vortex emission, which she sadly was temporarily stunned and about 4,500 of more than 15,000 suffered the loss of balance. They died as a result of a dull dream of the crash. Here are added must work that this particular kind of bird flocks in the group thought patterns, similar to a group of fish. This type of life form is really a united concentric and a "mind" pattern, their awareness regulating. This is the reason why they make such beautiful aerial acrobatics in the mass, as if they were designed choreographic. In a sense, these flocks a being with many units are combined in one consciousness. They are not individual beings in the usual sense. As such, their composite is still being really alive.
We would add that what happened in Arkansas, NOT a result of HAARP or any hidden military or secret state activity was, on conspiracy theories, despite the speculation. It was a natural event that previously occurred in this area, although of a different voltage source. All Quartz is piezoelectric. This is a mineralogical properties of quartz that your science is known. Quartz is broadcast under certain pressure conditions in the electrical load. However, this burden was caused by the accelerating pulse of the enormous Atlantic crystal temple in Arkansas. The pulse-activation of the temple crystals, created a surface stress over the range of massive quartz deposits, and they gave a free-Crysto electrical load. The piezoelectric Pressure wave was quite short and at an altitude of 2,000 feet above the ground.
We will continue to say that other "unusual" incidents of crystal properties, resulting from activating the crystals have occurred and continue to be manifest. Quartz-bonded energies have numerous properties, when combined with magnetic, which your scientists are still unknown. Magnetites are widespread and show the world abound, but magnetic minerals with properties that inner polarity, are quite rare. One of the largest concentrations of the actual polar magnetic natural stone in the center of the vortex crystal at Magnet Cove, Arkansas, near Hot Springs.
crystalline quartz, when mixed with certain magnetic properties, is able to create dimensional openings, what you call star gates and wormholes in space. These are periodically before, appear and disappear at random holes over the surface of the earth in the crystal vortex of the present. This activity will be regulated according to the alignment and recoding of the solar disk to Crysto-11 ~ 11 ~ 11th
ion mist and non-disturbed earthquake
the crystalline phenomena is the recently observed magnetic green fog that the area of Mount Magazine to 9 ~ 9 ~ 9 and penetrated the electric grid box closed briefly. As reported in the local media in Arkansas by the green mist, but it was not water vapor but an ion emission, which usually appears within the worm holes. We want to tell you that it was visible for a short period of time through your satellite monitoring, and your scientists were confused. It was the result of activation of the corridor frequency of the Emerald Crystal opening.
The 10 ~ 10 ~ 10 earthquakes occurred in areas of Arkansas that are no fault zones. This quake was very unusual in other ways as well. They were not from the previously notifying the typical frequency shift of the Schumann resonance alarmed, the animals and birds before the next earthquake warning. A soothing "white noise-wave" has been issued, you sang the birds and the animals were more fearless. That earthquake was no result of tectonic shifts by pressure in the normal sense. Rather, it was a direct result of the crystalline rise pulse, the one-dimensional integration and expansion of a short opening abolished in the membranes that define these parameters.
crystals were actually used by the Aryans in Atlantis in inadequate military applications to trigger earthquakes. What was held to 10 ~ 10 ~ 10, was a random event of their ability to light in hyper-speed to manipulate, resulting in an aftershock. Just as sound waves "sound booms" can create when certain Mach speeds are exceeded, crystalline light can cause a reverse wave velocity when it exceeds the "normal" speed of light.
An omnipotent and benevolent energy source
Beloved, we tell you again that crystalline energy is an all-powerful energy source that has implications far beyond the current understanding of humanity beyond. Crystalline structure is formed by a light essence of vibrational resonance, multidimensional and coherent is, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the divine template Metatronic-the source of all creation, manifestation, and forms the matrix composition at all levels of existence. These are the enzymes of the reality-transduction and the source of vitality of the divine thought, which is the cosmos itself.
crystals are large receiver and transmitter and a strong communications network occurs between Master crystals and crystal vortex portals. The two most powerful crystal vortex on the planet are actually Arkansas and Brazil. The connection of the Arkansas-vortex-portal with the Brazil-vortex-portal is extremely important in the rise and global crystal power. Two temple master crystals are in Brazil, Bahia and Minas Gerais. The first is the seeds Atlantic, the latter of the Lemurian seed crystal. The energies of both maintained and reactivated in Brazil and connected to the "Law of One" crystal in Arkansas. Remember, while Lemuria is confirmed as a civilization great spirituality, there were thousands of years that Atlantis harbored much greater frequency and increased levels of spiritual mastery, which exceeded that of Lemuria far. Atlantis broke into a polarized society before his fall, but many of the most important crystals were protected, programmed and stored before they fell into abuse and destruction. The more of them are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.
The platinum crystal and the Golden Sun Disc
The complicated reboot the crystal vortex approaching perfect integration, but it will not be fully completed until the complete network in a global aspect to 12 ~ 12 ~ 12 What has taken place over the last 3 years and what appears to be 11 ~ 11 ~ 11, will bring the Crystal Vortex Portal of Arkansas in his last insular uniform processes of regional function.
On 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 activates the platinum crystal, he will release a huge Crysto-wave pulse, which combined with the energy of the crystal blue of knowledge and emerald crystal healing is. this energy then triggers the Crysto-golden sun-disk, which is located under the hill near Little Rock.
The sun disc activation is a significant event that will be felt all over the world, and really in the cosmos. The Crysto-golden-sun-disc in place by the Sirians in line with 11 other positions set on the planet. Originally, the energy of the affected areas of the Arkansas-crystal one vertebra to the crystalline, magnetic, and radiative life-sustaining water. In addition to the solar disk, there were pyramid-like structures that were used to refine the energies of the vortex. The complexes of the Toltec pyramid hills were the last constructs it and remained visible to this day. The result was a complex energy-power generator, capable of countless benevolent functions. The energy intakes were capable of the Atlantic Hyper-tunnel system, the crystalline satellite (the second moon of Atlantis), as well as to feed energy to the crystal-Poser refined system that Atlantis was. The vortex was not full of energy in its true essence and function after the fall of Atlantis.
He has been in recent decades for its activation or reactivation better prepared. The sacred codes for re-programming are within the Akashic field, the crystalline paradigm, within the sacred library of conscious MAX, 13 Crystal Skull the Pleiadian-Sirian alliance. MAX is actually for the re-programming to 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 are in the crystal vortex.
Recent completions of the crystal vortex of Arkansas are extremely important for the crystalline transition of the earth. And the crystalline transition is the key to advancement.
This is one of several reasons why so many feel attracted to you in Arkansas to Triple-data portals and gather why many choose to relocate their residence to Arkansas. This is going to win in the next few years in impulse. Many "crystal children" incarnate into this particular power.
A Spiritual Appear in Crysto magnetics
The newly emerging crystal swirl of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve a different function than it did in the Atlantic era. Because the Atlanteans put the above mentioned three temples Crystals in Arkansas, before the tsunami flooded Poseida. The purpose and power of this temple crystals have created the resonance which is much more that is known far and aspect of "spiritual". Adding these three giant adds to the natural crystals, the special-conscious programming knowledge, wisdom, healing added undmehrdimensionalem consciousness. And while shaking their pure natural attributes of the soil and expose the space-time continuum, the famous fire-crystal in the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, the regulation in refinement of the solar disk and pyramid-shaped ensure checks, so they kept in optimum and benevolent purpose and sense of balance.
It is the magnetism of this position in Arkansas that has kept this fact in crystal energy balance. That is the reason why the Atla-Ra chose this particular area in Arkansas for their storage and sowing. You have no idea of the energies of what they are capable of producing. You see, it is the use of magnetic energy together with ethereal light, light above and below the visible spectrum, you amplifying radiation as ultraviolet light and gamma and your crystals. An essential access has existed for the past 20,000 years on this area, and access high-frequency light can be concentrated in this area. This ability on the rise.
tunnel and electrum-gold
A vast network of hyper-dimensional tunnels running below the central area and NW Arkansas this lead to enormous depths and crystal caves. Some of them are still in dynamic utilities. The ability to detect these tunnels and chasms, is not in your scientific opportunities for many more decades should be possible. The reason is because they exist in what may be referred to as intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality. Nevertheless, those people with a sufficient light quotient to actually feel and really mix it with their energy and encode the natural beds of the quartz in Arkansas.
But there's more to energy. A very rare form of the precious metal gold is based on a deeper level in the beds of the quartz crystals in Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of electrum gold was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not there. These are deliberately guarded and protected was to serve a large and larger purpose in the unique properties of the crystal vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystalline quartz, but they have not explored the far-off fields, use and energy that holds the octahedral crystalline form.
The great temple-Atlantic crystals, which were enacted by the country of Arkansas, are really a conglomeration of alloy crystal, silver and gold. These were manifested by the Arcturian technology. The frequency of the crystalline electrum-gold is able to connect to certain types of high-frequency quartz to the "bending and figures "to allow the dimension fields by a Galvano-alchemical process that transforms the structure of atoms. Dimensional access tunnels were often created in the methodology of the Atlanteans, to create wormholes and dimensional tunnel inside the shell of the Earth, could be accessed in a higher frequency.
Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were created at points along the ley lines of existing natural flow of telluric currents flowing on the earth. Tectonic shifts have much, but not all damaged. Some of them were simply disabled. There are higher dimensional beings from the Pleiades, Sirius Alliance and the benevolent Legions of the Ashtar Command, have undertaken the task of protection, repair and re-encoding many of these streams, tunnels and dimensional crystals in the last 3 decades. Some of you, as the channel to work with them, and that is the reason why you are so drawn to this energy will be.
ley lines and large crystals were in the periods when the people fell to the ground in the periods of consciousness decline in the sad trail of Atlantis. This occurred without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of the portals, crystals and hyper-dimensional matrix has taken place since 1987, and will continue over the next two years, until it is completed.
The Law of One
You are atomic structure, consisting of perfectly aligned geometry, crystalline geometry of woven and knitted with electromagnetics. Electricity and magnetism are components of the light. Your range of visible light is a candle in comparison to the beautiful geometric light of the higher spectrum. The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas is on the higher dimension of a multi-dimensional octahedron, which has been formed by the planes 9 and 12 in the dimensional fields. The energy is transformed from the hexagonal to the quartz crystal octahedron of gold and diamonds. Diamond project both an octahedral and octahedral geometry, and the kimberlite volcanic pipes in Arkansas, which give the power of diamonds, the cube transform the octahedron. The cubic hexahedron is included in the octahedron. The quartz crystals from Arkansas are embedded with the energy of wisdom, what Placed on the Atlantic as the One.
The specified therein master crystals have transferred frequencies of these vibrations to the local quartz in this area, and as we have explained, included most crystals a higher-dimensional alloy of gold-conglomerate that has been transferred energy by some of the naturally occurring beds. The crystals of Earl Mc wear this unique Harmonics. These are particularly strong. All crystals are alive in a real sense and have a child confidence and self-awareness, but each with a unique and particular design pattern. This pattern varies according to the geological and astrological energies of the vortex. Therefore seemingly identical gems and crystals in their energetic projections according to the location where they are, be different.
three-helix vortex
The Arkansas-vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most of the vertebrae of the northern hemisphere of your planet rotate either oval or circular anti-clockwise. The crystal swirl of Arkansas has a very unique and special "back and forth" vortex motion. About a third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then quickly changing back into a right-turning movement. This occurs in 3 separate sheets of 120 °. The forward and backward displacement of the vortex is very unique and intended for the production of the more significant upward pressure of the Crysto-Magno-hydro energy. The energy of Arkansas has three narrow telluric forces that contribute to its three-helix-field. These are magnetic in Talimena Ridge, Mount Ida in the crystalline Apex and centered in Eureka Springs Radium-hydro energy. These form the three-helical vortex that regulate and encode the pyramids at the Toltec mounds and the solar disk at the summit in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generated energy in incredible thrusts with a receiving and transmitting Verteilungskrümmer.
The geology of the area is so extremely unique, and even make your geologists, and that is the reason why the Atlanteans settled in the area and developed. Therefore, there are underground bases of the Sirius-Pleiades-alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical comparison of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic-core rock. Pyramids have existed over 25,000 years in Arkansas, are the normal projections of these energies coordinate and combine their energies complicated. Remains of the last "surface" pyramid still exist in the south of the Toltecs Hill (National Park), just south of Little Rock. The Sirius-Pleiades Alliance has maintained a huge territory under the pyramid in the hills since the Atlantic Toltec times. This is one of the reasons that so much motion is sensed through the crystal vortex. Three such centers are in the Arkansas area.
to triple data portal of the 11 ~ 11 ~ 11, the last of the three Atlantic temple crystals of platinum-crystal of the Interdimensional communication from its long hibernation enabled and with the emerald green crystal and the Blue Crystal of knowledge connected to the combined ingredients to complete the NEW ARK-crystal vortex. The three Atlantic knowledge and healing crystals, the once magnificent light and celestial energy radiated in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of the One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were put in a dimensional lock in the Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas. The first of them was 2008, and the second raised 2009th 2011, they are further activated and ultimately agreed with the awakened in Brazil, Mount Shasta and Lake Titicaca and held.
We will talk about the platinum crystal in a future submission. But we tell you to be that it is a nurturing (feminine) energy of the platinum-ray that makes the balance between the dimensions and energy sources. It ensures optimal communication between the reception, perhaps as an intermediate-and intra-level of consciousness can be described. It is also sufficient to form a cohesive interface between the layers and the integral duality levels. It decreases the arc of the duality.
Final transition
The platinum crystal is in the activation of its long hibernation exactly at 11:11 AM, taken at 11 ~ 11 ~ 11, from his dimensional lock in a pit under Magnetic Mountain in NW Arkansas. It is caused by a cosmic force be generated by the 144-mesh and initiates an activating pulse from emerald crystal. The platinum crystal is then immediately in the river with the 3 telluric energies and start the other two champions Temple crystals new. This will immediately send a communication to the pulse wave Crysto golden-sun-disc and a code conversion occurs, so that the Toltec pyramid regulators are fed. For the first time in 20,000 years of the vortex will be regional in full. Meister, really, that is all that remains in 2012, the globalization of the crystal network with 12 ~ 12 ~ 12-activation of the Bimini-fire crystal and the crystal of Thoth in the Titicaca Lake. This is the last restart of the 144 Crystalline Grid and complete the 12 golden solar discs. The trigger is the 12 ~ 12 ~ 12, the restart is completed at 21:12:12.
The graduation of your planet, known as the ascent is almost the critical mass that will enable the transformation of what is called in your vernacular acceptable template capacity, analog to digital from black and white to color. An incredible transformation is literally just a breath. The crystalline transformation by the antennas of the 144-Crystalline Grid is in the process of extending the dimensional reception of the Earth from 3D to 12D and beyond. It is similar to your television, which differs from the old antenna changes to the satellite receiver. It's the age-crystalline, the wind beneath the wings of the climb. The supporting Apexial points and the triple-data portals are the cosmic trigger.
But, you give love, fear-free in this time of Ascension. In this new era, the crystalline mega-power-crystals are not taken from you and they will not be abused, as had occurred in the sad case of Atlantis. In fact, they will never be used for other purposes, as the highest good. Be the insured! It is a sacred oath, which is actually held. Just as you have kept the promise, in the family of a law of return. Therefore, as many of you are drawn to complete the crystal vortex, as many actually feel this call, under the respected science priests of the Law of One were the Atla-Ra, the Temple relocated those crystals.
from your "Law of One," a vow have gleistet that the masters crystals would never be abused, that it would not allow it to fall into the wrong hands. Beloved, it is a promise that is held. your holiness and benevolent purpose, manifest. You've waited a long, very long time in this age. It is a contract whose performance is approaching, and you shall be praised. In fact, reads it happen! The crystalline transition, the announced rise will happen. It is happening now!
I am Metatron, and I share with you these truths. You are loved.
And so it is ....
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