is promised, it directly further this year with a little Blogtunig.
I've esters registered with Youtube. These have However, I made no pictures. I hope it is enough if you just follow my explanation.
- go to Youtube
- enter in the window at E-mail address, the Addy, which is also used for Blogspot or the
Google Account - at "Username: 'I have just one thought (according to Google); only think of one and click on" details "to see if you can use it
- the rest of your Fill as desired
- down on the button "I accept" button
Sun ... Now you should also be able youtube.
Everything else is really quite simple and is self-explanatory Courage. It will work reliably.
I can now customize everything. Color, layout, and so on. A preview is shown below, so you have a visual inspection.
I wish you much fun with vlogger (video blogging) and am just got your comments with a link to your Youtube channel.
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This tutorial I wrote. Would you continue to use it in whole or in part, get this authorization from me.
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