Monday, January 10, 2011

0x800ccc6f Outlook 2003

create progress bar insert

In my blog you can already see these ads in action. The installation is as simple as updating the display.

I have the ad displayed on Google and only post the link here because I want to hurt no copyright.

progress bar

Installation is well explained there. Here's the short version.
  1. complete text in the first gray box copy (press left mouse button and drag over the text, release, click right mouse button in the blue highlighted text to copy)
  2. Best is now the editor or another word processing program and add there the copied text (right- Insert a mouse button)
  3. I decide me now for the variant that starts directly under "Customizing the Bars" (roughly in the middle of the page)
  4. then copy the contents of the first gray box (press left mouse button and Pull release the desired text, click the right mouse button in the blue highlighted text)
  5. copy now on the word processing program returns
  6. go among the already inserted text to be copied insert (click to the end of the text, if necessary insert a blank line, insert the right mouse button)

Now you have the whole HTML code, insert the it into your blog need. And embark on your blog and you initially signed a one.
  1. Under the tab "Design" you add a gadget (HTML / Java).
  2. In word processing program and copy the full text.
  3. In the field content of the HTML Gadgets the copied text by right click and paste then Paste.
  4. course you can her about the police report or a title.
  5. click Save.
  6. The gadget to the desired position drag (hold left click with mouse () and drag to desired location, release the mouse)
  7. top right click on Save.
If you now let's your blog, the progress bar is visible.

Now, some explanations for dealing with the ad.

over text "\u0026lt;!-- StartFragment -> \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"> ...('# 000000 ', 200, 0) \u0026lt;/ script> ", the it finds the bottom, you can set a heading (Eg patchwork quilt). This appears directly above the bar.

'# 000000' "indicates the color of the bar. You can see if progress is to be displayed. 000 000 represents black. Other colors found her when her "html-color" in Google searches for times. Any color is possible as long as it is inserted in the format shown here. It may be, a matter of numbers and letters.

"200" represents the width of the beam. This is the number of pixels. In the Design tab under "Template Designer" and then "Fit Width" below you can see how wide your sidebars (the bars on the right and left of the blog posts) is. Then you can judge you, so that the bar does not extend into your posts. In my case I have indicated, for example, instead of 200 only 160th

"0" is progress. Here you can specify what percentage you're ready. A percent sign may not be entered with (34% = 34).

If you've changed everything clicks their store just down again. Show her now on your blog, you can see what everything has changed.

Do you want more than one bar, have simply copied your headline from the text (including HTML code fragment "\u0026lt;!-- start -> \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"> ... ( '# 000000', 200, 0) \u0026lt;/ script> " of course) and then everything changes from described above.

you can give each its own title bar, assign a different color, width, and another step forward.

This all sounds very probably quite a lot and kills you at first. In principle, it is really easy. If it works you do not even delete the gadget on the blog just back and start from scratch. On the contents of your blog has no control.

If I have forgotten something, please get in touch. Then I can correct my instructions accordingly. Otherwise, I am also looking forward to positive feedback.

Copyright by

This tutorial I wrote myself. Would you continue to use it in whole or in part, get this authorization from me.


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