Monday, December 13, 2010

Ihome With Headphone Jack


I keep asking what you need even a blog. A question me endlessly answers.

  • to share interests related to
  • peers
  • acquaintances around the world to close
  • for self-expression
  • ...
Whether it here anonymous blogging or as I will show you and use your own name, you is left alone. However, this decision will be carefully considered. There is enough confusion that want to make life difficult on the Internet and do it well.

The content will be well. The copyright of the other shall not be violated. There was even a case because a blogger has ever photographed the cover of their books being read and added. Now you think that this is not a problem because the photo has made it even. Unfortunately, this was wrong. She got an ad from a publisher for breach of copyright. A court said she guilty, the fine was not exactly small. Now they just always linked to a large provider, where you can see the book.
Nor can the privacy of people are injured. These include, for example photos. Published her pictures of people who previously have not expressly given their consent to the violation of personal rights and is severely punished by law.
I am not a lawyer and can, may and will also help to make no further information. These examples are intended only to illustrate what can happen to naive blogging.

I hope you still enjoy blogging. Here is my guide for you:

Copyright by

This tutorial I wrote myself. Would you continue to use it in whole or in part, get this authorization from me.


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